Project GreenCross for Brazil

Prezad@s Alumni,

O Project GreenCross foi iniciado por um alumnus MBA19D em resposta à irrupção do COVID-19 na China e hoje está se expandindo através da liderança de outros alumni, em diversos países, tais como Itália, Espanha, França, Brasil e Índia. Em seu modelo original, a iniciativa busca arrecadar fundos para compra de suprimentos hospitalares; no Brasil, buscamos analisar a viabilidade de modelo similar, e por isso, estamos em contato com o grupo global do Project GreenCross.

Nesta primeira fase, adicionalmente à compra de suprimentos que está sendo estudada, decidimos engajar imediatamente a nossa rede alumni, pelos nossos diversos canais de comunicação, para apoiar iniciativas já estabelecidas e fomentar nossa colaboração e atuação, em especial, nos projetos de nossos alumni.

Este engajamento começou na semana passada quando fizemos uma chamada de voluntários para compor esta força-tarefa e formamos um time central de 8 voluntários que vem se reunindo diariamente para buscar a melhor maneira de sermos atuantes nesta crise.

Infelizmente a contaminação está se tornando cada dia mais palpável conforme fomos informados de um caso com UTI em nossa comunidade Alumni, o que nos deixou mais apreensivos.
Como ajudar?
  • Conectem-se à nossas plataformas Facebook, Linked-in, Instagram, WhatsApp e Slack (veja os links abaixo).
  • Fiquem atent@s às comunicações do GreenCross Brazil nas plataformas, nelas divulgaremos updates e pedidos de apoio específicos.
  • Tragam projetos e negócios que colaborem na resposta ao COVID-19 e seus desdobramentos.
  • Doem, comentem, compartilhem, mostrem engajamento em nossas redes sociais!
Project GreenCross for Brazil nasce apoiando o projeto OnDoctor. É um projeto de Telemedicina dos alumni, Alexandre Gattaz e Eduardo Spina, MBA16D, que precisa do seu apoio apenas na divulgação. Compartilhe em suas redes sociais e os direcionando à seus contatos chave que vocês possam ter.

Nosso sincero agradecimento do time de voluntários Project GreenCross for Brazil,

Alexandre Gattaz MBA16D
Carla Belitardo MBA07D
Felipe Gonçalves MBA15J
Frederico Pedreira MBA07D
Marcelo Tavares MBA16J
Pedro Otavio Mendes MBA07D
Pedro Mendes de Paula MBA19D
Rodrigo Salles AMP19N


Entre na lista de transmissão da IAAB:

Message Us on WhatsApp! e/ou solicite ajuda da nossa coordenção para seu ingresso no grupo de WhatsApp INSEAD SP através deste mesmo link.


Solicite a nossa coordenação acesso ao nosso grupo do Slack: [email protected]


Dear fellow alumni,

Following the most recent development related to COVID-19 we have taken steps to cancel our March to May events. We hope we will be able to resume our activities in a very near future and will keep you updated as soon as possible.

As you may know, INSEAD has been monitoring the COVID-19 situation very closely, taking all necessary measures to keep its alumni and staff safe and the IAAB is in close contact with other INSEAD Alumni Associations globally and with the School. We are collaborating actively in order to offer you webinars and virtual content, launching this week a new webinar series “Navigating the Turbulence of COVID-19”.  The webinars will be broadcast twice a week and will feature up-to-date analysis and insight from our faculty on the human cost of this pandemic, the growing global impact on the economy and the business implications of COVID-19. The webinars are free of charge for our alumni. Check webinars here. 
You can already sign up now for the first session with Prashant Yadav, INSEAD Affiliate Professor of Technology and Operation Management on Thursday 26 March at 3 pm EST. “Coordinating Pharma and Medtech Supplies for COVID-19 Response – The Critical role of information”. For those who can’t make it a recording will be made available on YouTube after the event. Click here to register.

Our alumni community has been very active. It was inspiring to see – right at the outbreak – the reaction of MBA’19 alumni who set up the Wuhan Relief Initiative to collect medical supplies and help those in need in China. The initial project has been renamed ‘Project GreenCross’ and is targeting other geographies where the COVID-19 has been expanding and we are already in connection with them and evaluating the feasibility to create a local team in Brazil. If you have the capacity to join the Brazilian team of volunteers, please answer this form. The team has created a closed Facebook group for the INSEAD community. Simply search ‘Project GreenCross’ on Facebook  or click here and ask to join the group. We encourage you to join and support the initiative. 

You may also find updates about COVID-19 on the INSEAD’s Newsroom page.

To conclude this letter we encourage you to engage with your INSEAD friends and stay in touch, whether it is over the phone or via a virtual connection tool. Many classmates have their own WhatsApp group, do you have yours? Also, some alumni created an INSEAD SP WhatsApp group that has been very active sharing information, if you want to join ask our coordinator to add you.

We remain at your disposal if you have any questions or ideas you would like to share with us.
Take note that we are preparing a virtual AGO on May 6th 2020. Save the Date!

Stay safe! Stay at home!