
Looking for a job? 

If you are an IAAB member, you will be able to check the current job posting by just joining IAAB´s Slack Workspace. Instructions: The link here will direct you to our Slack Workspace. Once you become a member of our Slack Workspace, you may request access to the #careers channel (exclusive to IAAB members).

Want to post a job? 

We publish job posts without any input or change and made them available to INSEAD Alumni only. The service is totally free. If you are searching for the right candidate, just post your job by filling out a quick form here. Your job will be posted automatically on our #careers Slack channel.

Don´t forget to upload and update your CV and be visible by clicking on CareerGlobe through MyINSEAD (Go to My Resources).

Recruiters can also explore the options for direct access to global talent through the Corporate Recruiters initiatives.

Explore também o INSEAD iLink Job Board. O iLink reúne oportunidades de trabalho de alumni de todo o mundo para nossa comunidade global.
Um portal de oportunidades peer-to-peer . O Job Board mostra desde trabalhos em tempo integral, meio-período, estágios e até projetos únicos. Acesse e publique uma vaga ou procure por uma!

In case you need help, please let us know by sending an e-mail to [email protected]