We are pleased to announce Montreal’s next event focused on Fintechs and the banking industry. Over the last years, we have all witnessed, in one way or another, the transformation of banking industry and the impact of Fintechs. What else is coming and what talent is required to get there?
Graciously hosted by the National Bank and moderated by our very own Jacques Chamberland (’05J), the event will gather industry executives, entrepreneurs, INSEAD and Ivy b-school Alumni to network and discuss the evolution of talent in this industry.
Guest speakers and Moderator:
- Sylvain Carle, Partner at Real Venture
- Jacques Chamberland, SVP Banking as a Service, National Bank of Canada (Moderator)
- Francois Lafortune, Founder and CEO at Diagram
- Lionel Pimpin, SVP Digital Channels, Retail and Commercial Strategy, National Bank of Canada
- Elisabeth Préfontaine, Founder of Octonomics
Join us for aperitifs at 5pm followed by a panel discussion at 6pm as we explore this transformation and the search for the talent required to fuel it!
Confirm HERE!