As people thrive to live longer, healthier & more active lives, the focus on Wellness has boomed from those choosing a different lifestyle into a multi-billion dollar industry. Every week sees a new food, beverage, fitness, meditation or treatment concept which aims at helping consumers live, look and feel better.
Please join Montreal’s INSEAD Alumni Association for a panel discussion on the Wellness Industry where 4 of the city’s entrepreneurs share their experience in the industry, explain its particularities and exchange on their vision of where it will be going. The 4 panelists are:
– Geneviève Emond, President & General Manager of Bota Bota Spa-sur-l’eau
– Julian Giacomelli, President & Chairman of RISE Kombucha
– Bruno Correa, Marketing Director at AlmaA Destinations & Founder of Bee+Hive Sustainable Tourism
– Bijan Bolouri, Co-Founder of b.Cycle
The event will be held in Shopify’s downtown Montreal headquarters on Tuesday Feb. 26th from 5:30pm to 8:00pm.
The panel discussion will be followed by a cocktail.
Confirm your participation HERE.