Global INSEAD Day falls on the 12th of September, which is coming up fast!
Mary has kindly reserved seats for us at Soif Bar à vin, in Gatineau. Véronique Rivest is the sommelier-owner, and is a highly respected in Canada and abroad. She was the first woman to reach the podium at the World’s Best Sommelier Competition, placing 2nd in Tokyo in March 2013.
The theme for this year’s Global INSEAD Day is ‘Business as a source for good in the world’. I think it makes for an interesting topic of discussion for the evening. I will send some INSEAD professor authored articles once you’ve responded!
Please do reply and let us know you are coming, or at least hold the date! As usual, the invitation is open to partners, who are most welcome.
Also, you can confirm your presence HERE!
We look forward to seeing you next month!