Events / INSEAD Toronto Alum Park Social

INSEAD Toronto Alum Park Social

July 25, 2020
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Oriole Park, 201 Oriole Parkway, Toronto, ON M5P 2H1

Physical hellos but at a distance! Reconnect with INSEAD colleagues. We’re not arranging a permit, so we’ll keep it a casual meet-up

About this Event

Bring your favourite park-permitted (non-alcoholic) beverage, and join us at Oriole Park just west of the Baseball Diamond. Easy to get to: TTC to Davisville Stn and walk west along Chaplin to the second park entrance at Lascelles Ave. Driving: Free parking on Frobisher. If you can’t find us, my cell is +14166706765. Looking forward to SEEING you!o

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