Dear Alumni,

As announced in our president’s last video, the IAAF needs to build its new Executive Committee (ExCo).

According to our board decision on July 20, 2021, the IAAF ExCo positions are opened to every Alumni members. It will be made up of thirteen positions*, seven of which are open to candidacy:

  1. VP Inclusion
  2. VP Marketing & Communication
  3. VP Membership
  4. VP Professional Clubs (former corporate clubs) and Large Events
  5. VP Social Clubs
  6. VP Sponsorship & Business Development
  7. VP Young Alumni

*6 positions already filed: President/ Délégué Général/ Treasurer/ VP Career/ VP Entrepreneurship/ VP Business & Society (description below)

Please find below the description of the 7 positions. You will find the link to apply after each description. You have until September 14, to fill in your motivation form and to declare your candidacy.

As soon as we receive the applications, the nomination committee will make a first selection and conduct interviews for every position with 1 nomination committee member + IAAF President + IAAF Deputy Manager. As soon as the Executive Committee will be defined, we will introduce the new members to the whole Alumni community.                                          


Foreword: The IAAF Executive Committee (ExCo) is a team, each member has a dedicated role and contributes actively in a very collaborative manner to the success of the NAA. ExCo extended team regroups the “permanentes” of the association as well as the INSEAD Alumni Fund (Vincent Lapras) and the Class Reps. Representative (Marc Le Borgne).  

VP Inclusion

Objectives: ensure that IAAF in all its activities is inclusive of all diversities.


  • Influence all parts of the NAA to ensure inclusion is part of their governance and activities,
  • ensure compliance with our commitments, such as the “charte de la mixité”,
  • propose ideas to Centers of Expertise & clubs to make inclusion a reality,
  • organize awareness workshops on inclusion (eg cognitive bias).

Profile:  Alumna-us passionate and charismatic leader experimented in driving inclusion in all parts of an organization. International management experience is preferred.

The interview for this position will be conducted by Pierre Fouques du Parc, IAAF President, Claude Perol, IAAF Deputy Manager and Stéphanie Bompas, IAAF nomination committee member.

> Fill in the motivation form <

VP Marketing & Communication


  • Our community is extremely rich of multidimensional diversity (age, diplomas, career history, citizenship, gender, location,…).
  • Our ecosystem is constantly and rapidly evolving. It requires the development of new channels for a better reach, within the communication tools provided by the school.


  • Increase the reach of our community in a segmented manner (including VIP).
  • Build up a multichannel strategy (including website).
  • Identify partners/ sponsors to support technically & financially the development and community management.


  • Maximize the opportunity of the data base,
  • propose a segmentation of the Alumni community,
  • identify the segments with low reach and thereby opportunity of development,
  • conduct as many surveys as necessary,
  • prioritization of channels by type of activity & segment,
  • new model for events and working meetings.

Profile:  alumna-us experimented in (digital) marketing and (digital) communication.

The interview for this position will be conducted by Pierre Fouques du Parc, IAAF President, Claude Perol, IAAF Deputy Manager and Anne-Céline Martel, IAAF nomination committee member.

> Fill in the motivation form <

VP Membership


  • The membership is the main source of income for the IAAF. The membership rate (less than 30%) shows great opportunities of improvement.
  • The areas of improvement are multiple along all segments of our community (e.g non MBA, young all programs, not Paris based, VIP,…).


  • Benchmark other INSEAD NAA’s and other Alumni organizations in France,
  • propose new approaches to convince Alumni to become members, e.g. social media,
  • propose innovative collection methods,
  • consider segmentation of population to tailor messages and actions,
  • work closely with other stakeholders of IAAF to have them promoting membership,
  • take stock of other NAA experience.

Modus Operandi: work closely with marketing & communication, and with Young Alumni to create contacts at campus level.


  • Alumnus-a with an association experience in membership.
  • Experience in digital marketing is a plus.
  • Managing ambition and realism of execution

The interview for this position will be conducted by Pierre Fouques du Parc, IAAF President, Claude Perol, IAAF Deputy Manager and Guillaume Loth Demay, IAAF nomination committee member.

> Fill in the motivation form <

VP Professional clubs (former corporate clubs) and Large events

Objectives: the 15+ professional clubs are a key element of Lifelong learning and a great opportunity to extend Alumni network


Professional clubs:

  • Encourage creation of new clubs and support decision process,
  • ensure complementarity of clubs between each other,
  • ensure each club promotes the values of the IAAF, its Raison d’être, its engagement on diversity,
  • ensure our clubs encourage membership,
  • facilitate crosspollination with other NAA’s and Global clubs when relevant.

Large events (INSEAD Essentials)

  • Define and propose to the President event topics aligned with our “raison d’être”,
  • form and manage an event team mixing volunteer and staff to operationalize,
  • Identify speakers & moderators, and manage the interactions with them,
  • secure the funding of our big event in partnership with the Sponsorship leader,
  • make sure the format is inclusive.

Challenge: ensure good mix between face-to-face & remote events. Professionalize our digital offer.

Profile: Seasoned alumna-us (more than 10y work experience) with excellent relational capabilities and an experience of leadership in event organization  

The interview for this position will be conducted by Pierre Fouques du Parc, IAAF President, Claude Perol, IAAF Deputy Manager and Anne-Céline Martel, IAAF nomination committee member.

> Fill in the motivation form <

VP Social clubs (former networking clubs)

Objectives: The 10 social clubs and activities prolong the campus experience of friendship and fun, promote open networking and have the power to attract new Alumni.


  • Encourage creation of new clubs and social initiatives (as random dinners),
  • support swift decision process,
  • Sustain existing clubs and initiatives,
  • ensure each club is aligned with the values of IAAF, its Raison d’être and ensure the socials clubs encourage membership,
  • Facilitate crosspollination across clubs, with other NAA’s.

Challenge: create networking opportunities when remote event.

Profile: creative alumnus-a with a taste for and experience in social gatherings.

The interview for this position will be conducted by Pierre Fouques du Parc, IAAF President, Claude Perol, IAAF Deputy Manager and Florence Larigauderie, IAAF nomination committee member.

> Fill in the motivation form <

VP Sponsorship & Business development

Objectives: identify new sources of income for the association on top of memberships.

Scope:  from traditional sponsorship to partnership and sponsoring in kind with companies and also identification of top level services to be monetized. Benchmarking other associations will be critical.

Modus Operandi: close collaboration with Marketing & Communication.

Profile: alumna-us fund raiser with a strong network, good relational capabilities and creativity.

The interview for this position will be conducted by Pierre Fouques du Parc, IAAF President, Claude Perol, IAAF Deputy Manager and Florence Larigauderie, IAAF nomination committee member

> Fill in the motivation form <

VP Young Alumni


  • Ensure that young Alumni from all programs are aware of the IAAF membership benefits before leaving the campus,
  • become their spoke person, relay their expectations and ideas to the other parts of the NAA.


  • From adhoc social events to creative projects (reverse mentoring for ex.).

Profile: a young creative alumna-us from 2020/21 promos, engaging in a close relationship with the school and recent promos.

Nota: this activity require 2 people, we are looking for a second person for this activity.

The interview for this position will be conducted by Pierre Fouques du Parc, IAAF President, Claude Perol, IAAF Deputy Manager and Stéphanie Bompas, IAAF nomination committee member

> Fill in the motivation form <


For President / Trésorier / Délégué Général : see “statuts” and “RI”

Center of Expertise Entrepreneurship (Guillaume Loth Demay)

Objectives: provide support to Alumni for their entrepreneurial journey from Vision to Exit

Scope: the CoE regroups 8 activities (Business lab, Pitch lab, Business Angels, Founder finder club, Hacking growth club, Take Over Club, Owner Manager club… and the apero entrepreneur). Relationship with Station F INSEAD Launchpad and INSEAD Global club Entrepreneurship.

Profile: entrepreneur with strong coordination skills across the 8 activities and animating of a community of around 50 volunteers.

Center of Expertise Career (Claude Perol)

Objectives: provide support to Alumni along their career journey, whatever their situation (start career, define next career step, increase impact, job search, leveraging seniority, launching/ scaling own business)

Scope: the CoE provides a portfolio of activities tailored to Alumni needs:

  • One-to-one interactions: Career Consultation, Mentoring, Coaching,
  • group activities: workshops, co-development cycle, networking, outplacement,
  • Continuous learning: conferences and master classes.

Challenges: mix of face-to-face events & digital interactions; professionalize digital offering.

Profile: Experienced business leader or HR professional, with strong coordination skills:

  • Coordinate the professional and diverse Career committee, each member driving a set of activities, and ensure adaption of the offer to evolving Alumni needs;
  • also animate a network of 50 + volunteers.
  • Develop links with school (CDC/CDWP) and IAA.

Center of Expertise Business & Society (Solenn Marquette)

Objectives: Aligned with INSEAD motto; Business as a Force for Good, instill the importance of allying business with sustainable development goals.

 Scope:  3 directions

  • increase awareness across community in relationship with clubs and through Essentials and conferences, also based on the Thinktank outputs,
  • advocate through blogs, switch videos and podcasts,
  • act, for ex. SDG Smart labs for Alumni

Profile: Convinced person that Business & sustainable development goals can go together, team player with strong coordination skills across a large portfolio of activities and around 50 volunteers, and managing interaction with the HGIBS.