Le Club Energy animé par Alastair Giffin (MBA 92D) et Nicolas Soulié (MBA 07D),
Le Club Innovation & Design animé par Jean-Pierre Schmitt (MBA 65), Jean-David Harrouet (MBA 07J) et Hadi Zablit (MBA 00J),
vous invitent à une conférence – petit déjeuner sur une innovation majeure dans la mobilité verte & énergie décarbonnée :
The STOR-H hydrogen cartridge ecosystem
disrupting energy use and delivery
Avec Michael F. Levy (MBA’92J),
Vice President Research & Innovation
Jeudi 3 novembre 2016 de 08h30 à 10h00,
Chez Aaqius, Pôle Avancé de Recherche et d’Innovation, 12 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris
STOR-H was designed by Aaqius to dramatically change the business model of energy for transportation with a solution that combines: a proprietary and disruptive storage technology, an innovative connected distribution system, and a new way for consumers to use energy.
STOR-H enables the deployment of the only green energy mobility solution that can match the driving range of traditional internal combustion vehicles: hydrogen. It also frees the consumer from the limitations of existing energy distribution networks by bringing to the market a disruptive storage technology: the STOR-H connected cartridges, available anywhere, anytime, with a quick plug-and-play functionality that allows for rapid “refueling” of a broad range of mobility applications.
During this talk we will address such question as :
– how does the STOR-H ecosystem work ?
– what mobility applications are currently targeted ?
– what is the business model for Aaqius and its industrial partners ?
– what will it cost consumers ?
– what are the advantages compared to existing solutions ?
– how, when and where is STOR-H being deployed?
– how does the new mobility standard deployment insert in the COP21, COP22 timeframe ?
– how usage drives the global design of the solution ?
Please note that the conference will be filmed, and a short video posted afterwards on the Aaqius and INSEAD Alumni websites.
AAQIUS is a Swiss company specializing in the development, financing and deployment of ground-breaking ‘green’ and ‘low-carbon’ technology in the fields of transport and energy. With its outstanding track record, AAQIUS’ growth has been built on a unique ‘R&B’ (Research and Business) approach, that combines technical expertise with the ability to finance and to quickly transform selected disruptive innovations into profitable businesses.
Tarifs : membre 15€/ non membre 35€