Who’s Now Who – May 2018

All INSEAD alumni on the move in France – April/ May 2018
To be listed, email us at [email protected]

Didier Leroy , MBA INSEAD 83, ESSTIN (1981), a rejoint le conseil d’administration d’Eutelsat présidé par Dominique D’Hinnin en qualité d’administrateur en novembre 2017. Il est nommé pour un mandat de 4 ans. chargé des affaires industrielles de la nouvelle usine de Valenciennes.

Nicolas Ver Hulst, MBA INSEAD 79,  est promu président du conseil de surveillance de Wendel, à compter de mai 2018, en remplacement de François de Wendel.
Nicolas Ver Hulst, 64 ans, Polytechnique, a réalisé le parcours suivant :
* 2017-2018 : Wendel, membre du conseil de surveillance.
* 2017-2017 : Alpha Associés Conseil, senior advisor.
* 2009-2017 : Alpha Associés Conseil, président du directoire.
* 1990-2009 : Alpha Associés Conseil, directeur général.
* 1985-1990 : CGIP, directeur chargé du développement.

Elena Minardi, MBA INSEAD 14J,  est nommée chef de cabinet de Gecina, à compter de juin 2018. A ce titre, elle sera invitée permanente au comité exécutif du groupe.
Elena Minardi, 35 ans, bachelor économie de l’art, culture et communication – Université de Bocconi (2006), a réalisé le parcours suivant :
* 2016-2018 : McKinsey & Company France, engagement manager.
* 2014-2016 : McKinsey & Company France, senior Associate.
* 2011-2013 : McArthurGlen UK, brand partner marketing manager (à Londres).
* 2010-2011 : Beyond Luxury Media Ltd, marketing manager.
* 2009-2010 : Fondation Umberto Veronesi, project manager.
* 2008-2009 : McCann Erickson, account executive (à Milan).
* 2007-2008 : DDB, account executive (à Milan).

Nicolas Houzé, MBA INSEAD 06J, rejoint le conseil de surveillance du Groupe M6, présidé par Elmar Heggen, en qualité de membre en avril 2018.
Nicolas Houzé, 43 ans, licence de marketing international – ISG (1998), a réalisé le parcours suivant :
* Depuis 2013 : Galeries Lafayette, directeur général de la branche Grands magasins.
* 2012-2013 : Galeries Lafayette, directeur général adjoint de la branche Grands magasins.
* 2006-2012 : Galeries Lafayette, président de Louis Pion-Royal Quartz.
* 2003-2006 : Monoprix, chef de projet Monop’.

Philippe Prétat, TGM INSEAD 14Jun, est promu président-directeur général de DHL Express France, à ce poste depuis avril 2018, en remplacement de Michel Akavi. Il reporte à John Pearson, chief executive officer Europe.
Philippe Prétat, 55 ans, DESS de finances – université d’Aix-en-Provence (1986), master en économie – université d’Aix-en-Provence (1985), a réalisé le parcours suivant :
* 2007-2018 : DHL Express France, directeur financier.
* 2005-2007 : SCC France, directeur administratif et financier France.
* 2004-2005 : Snecma Services, vice-président finances.
* 1998-2002 : Microsoft France, directeur finances et opérations.
* 1997-1998 : Nestlé Waters France, directeur du contrôle de gestion industriel au niveau mondial.
* 1995-1997 : Nestlé Waters France, directeur du contrôle de gestion du marché français.

Yves L’Epine, MBA INSEAD 90D, 
est nommé président de G5 santé, à ce poste depuis avril 2018, en remplacement de Marc de Garidel.
Yves L’Epine, 58 ans, IFA, administrateur certifié – Sciences Po (2015),  docteur en médecine – Université Paris Descartes (1984), a réalisé le parcours suivant :
* Depuis 2011 : Guerbet, directeur général.
* 2010-2011 : Abbott, vice-président Europe.
* 1999-2010 : Takeda France, directeur général.
* 1997-1999 : Novartis France, directeur de l’unité d’affaires Produits spécialisés.
* 1993-1996 : Sandoz Pharma France, directeur de la stratégie produits.
* 1992-1993 : Sandoz Pharma France, chargé de mission nouvelle organisation.
* 1991-1992 : Sandoz Pharma Etats-Unis, chef de produit.
* 1991-1992 : Sandoz Pharma Italie, chef de produit.
* 1991-1991 : Sandoz Pharma France, délégué médical.

Véronique Hombroekx, AMP INSEAD 07Mar, a été nommée managing director de Baron Philippe de Rothschild, à ce poste depuis janvier 2018, en remplacement de Hugues Lechanoine.
Véronique Hombroekx, Institut Paul Lambin (1984), leadership program – IMD Business School, a réalisé le parcours suivant :
* 2015-2017 : Groupe Campofrio Food, chief executive officer Imperial meat Belgium.
* 2014-2015 : Mondelez International, area director Coffee Central Europe.
* 2010-2013 : Mondelez International, vice president global customer.
* 2006-2010 : Sara Lee France, vice president global sales.

Who’s Now Who – March 2018

All INSEAD alumni on the move in France – March 2018
To be listed, email us at [email protected]

Laurent Paillassot, MBA INSEAD 96D, est promu directeur général adjoint Groupe d’Orange, à compter de mai 2018.
A ce titre, il rejoint le comité exécutif.
Laurent Paillassot, 52 ans, MBA INSEAD (1996), Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (1989), a réalisé le parcours suivant : * Depuis 2016 : Orange Espagne, chief executive officer.
* 2014-2016 : Orange, directeur général adjoint en charge de l’expérience clients et du mobile banking.
* 2011-2014 : LCL, directeur général délégué.
* 2007-2011 : LCL, directeur général adjoint, en charge du pôle Développement.
* 2005-2007 : My Money Bank, président France.

Jean-François Delepau, MBA INSEAD 94J, est promu président du groupe Sofradir, à ce poste depuis mars 2018, en remplacement de Philippe Bensussan. Il est ainsi chargé de piloter l’intégralité des opérations dans les secteurs Spatial, Défense et Commercial pour les 3 sociétés du groupe : Sofradir, Ulis et Sofradir-EC basée aux Etats-Unis. Il a été nommé à ce poste par Thales et Safran, actionnaires du groupe à parts égales.
Jean-François Delepau, 53 ans, ingénieur BTP – Telecom Paris (1988), Polytechnique (1983), a réalisé le parcours suivant : 
* 2007-2018 : Ulis, directeur général.
* 2005-2007 : ASK, business unit director.
* 2004-2005 : ASK, product marketing director.
* 2002-2004 : Technicolor, product management director.
* 1998-2002 : Alcatel-Lucent Groupe, directeur marketing stratégique, division Infrastructure Réseau GSM.
* 1994-1998 : Booz Allen Hamilton, senior associate.

Eric Bastard de Crisnay, PJM INSEAD 93, est promu directeur des ressources humaines de MetLife France, à ce poste depuis mars 2018, sous la responsabilité directe de Joël Farré, directeur général. Présent depuis 2015 chez MetLife, il rejoint à ce titre le comité de direction.
Eric Bastard de Crisnay, 60 ans, diplôme de psychologie – EPP (1981), a réalisé le parcours suivant :
* 2003-2014 : Crédit agricole, directeur des ressources humaines.
* 2000-2002 : Sony Europe, directeur des ressources humaines.
* 1987-1999 : Sony France, directeur des ressources humaines.

Padraic Ward, MBA INSEAD 93D, a été promu président Europe de Roche, à ce poste depuis juillet 2017.
Padraic Ward, diplômé en management – University College of Dublin (1986), a réalisé le parcours suivant : 
* 2015-2017 : Roche France, président France.
* 2013-2015 : Roche Pharma USA, vice president Global Product Strategy, Oncology – Breast Cancer.
* 2011-2013 : Roche France, directeur monde de la stratégie de l’anticancéreux Kadcyla.
* 2008-2011 : Roche Italie, directeur de l’unité thérapeutique Oncologie.
* 2004-2007 : Roche Portugal, directeur de l’unité thérapeutique Oncologie, Anémie et Transplantation.

Christine de Wendel, MBA INSEAD 10D, a été nommée chief operating officer de ManoMano.fr, à ce poste depuis août 2017, sous la responsabilité directe de Christian Raisson, cofondateur. Elle est ainsi chargée d’améliorer le process qualité, de renforcer l’ensemble des services opérationnels et de développer la dimension internationale du site.
Christine de Wendel, 37 ans, MBA finance et marketing – INSEAD (2010), MSc international relations – London School of Economics and Political Science (2003), BSc international affairs – Georgetown University (2002), a réalisé le parcours suivant :
* 2017-2017 : Zalando, head of business development B2B.
* 2012-2017 : Zalando France, directeur général.
* 2011-2012 : Zalando France, directeur achats.
* 2007-2009 : Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, senior manager business development.
* 2004-2007 : Bain & Company, consultant.

Welcome to our New Executive Committe

​The INSEAD Alumni Association France is delighted to announce its new Executive Committee. ​

With the vision to Inspire, Grow, and Connect, the newly appointed Executive Committee shall continue to enhance the Alumni experience in France in all its facets: professional, personal, social, and beyond. The first formal Executive Committee meeting will be held at the Alumni Association offices in Paris in early March. 

Please join us in welcoming the new Executive Committee Members.

Thomas Bittner (MBA 75)
President – Strategy

He holds a mechanical engineering degree in nuclear technics from the Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich. After his MBA at INSEAD, Thomas joined McKinsey in the Paris office. Polychrome, a client of McKinsey the number 1 offset plate producer in the world, hired him to run its European operations. After the successful turnaround of the division, he was named CEO of the company based in New York. He was then headhunted back to Paris to become CEO of Antalis, one of the top paper distributor in the world. He then joined the a divisional Board of ArcelorMittal, in charge of strategy and change management.
  Guillaume Loth Demay (YMP 05)
Executive Vice President Finance and Entrepreneurship

General Manager at Equisign, Software editor in the digital security services and at ActionCapital. He has been active in private equity in Paris since 1997. He serves on the boards of numerous companies.
In parallel to his corporate roles, Guillaume is also President of INSEAD Alumni Business Angels Club in Paris, co-president of INSEAD Alumni Global Entrepreneurship Club.
   Bruno Dumont (MBA 86J)
Deputy Director – Association management, Corporate clubs, Regional and Class Reps

Active in management consulting since more than 25 years. Long experience in the telecom industry. Worked previously for Total and Hewlett-Packard, in finance and cost control. Teaches at Université Descartes – Paris V.
Has been co-President of the INSEAD alumni Economy Club and the Technology-Media-Telecom Club for more than 15 years. Represents the IAAF at the organisation committee of Institut G9+, a think-tank dedicated to digital issues.
  Hicham Aber (MBA 17J)
Vice President Young Alumni Initiative

Hicham has over eight years of experience including open pit, underground mining, viaducts highways projects. Engineer by training, He holds also a Master Degree in mining economics. he also have working experience in different countries including: Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Malaysia, Morocco, Niger, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States. Hicham has also been very active in the extra curriculum activities of INSEAD like the Robinhood campaign.
  Claire Augros (MBA 07D) Vice President Marketing and Customer/Alumni Experience
She spent 8 years in consulting companies, experiencing herself 3 mergers. She joined a distressed company in the road transformation business, as Sales director to attempt a turnaround. Claire is now an independant consultant, specialized in business transformation & turnaround, operational excellence, post merger integration, IT strategy and digital transformation. Besides her professional career, Claire is a former Elite Athlete: 15 years in the French Fencing National Team and a Bronze Medal in the 2003 European Championships. She « retired » in 2006, just before joining INSEAD for « the best detox session of her life » ! She is a member of the IFA (Institut Français des Administrateurs) since 2011, and is interested in and well aware of Governance and Corporate Social & environmental Responsibility (CSR/ RSE) issues.
  Claire Béhar (BFC 14D)
Vice President Sponsorship and Data Analytics

Defining itself as an enthusiastic networker, she has always pursued excellence and innovation throughout her graduate studies as an engineer at UTC and then at INSEAD, as well as in her professional career at CNRS, LinkedIn and now Workit Software where she is in charge of the Data Analytics department. She has always been an INSEAD ambassador, organizing social events for students and teachers while studying at INSEAD, then leading to the establishment of the future INSEAD National Association of Ireland. She has been contributed for INSEAD at Grandes Ecoles au féminin since 2017.
  Sophie Boyer Chammard (MBA 97D)

Vice President Business & Society, Women in Business and « Grandes Écoles au Féminin »
Sophie is currently head of Business Development for 10 Continental European offices of Hogan Lovells. Sophie started her career as a lawyer in international law firms, in Paris and in Warsaw, where she contributed to the establishment of an office. After her MBA, she was a strategy consultant at Accenture, then was a  director of development at Clifford Chance and Gide.
 Former lawyer, Sophie holds an LLB from King’s College London, as well as a DESS (post grad) in business and tax law from the Sorbonne. Sophie has been an elected member of the Conseil d’arrondissement of the 8th district of Paris since 2008. Sophie also represents IAAF into Grandes Ecoles au Féminin, a non-profit organisation helping women access management positions.

   Ahmad Hassan (MBA 88D) Vice President Career Conferences
Ahmad Hassan is a Partner at Heidrick & Struggles and leads the Digital and Technology Practice for France. Ahmad focuses on search, succession and executive assessment projects at the CXO level for Global companies
  Emmanuel Michau (MBA 83D)
Vice president General Secretary and Communication

Franco-American Lawyer practicsing: business agreements, civil and commercial litigation and arbitration, employment dispute, including «Prud’hommes» ;  M&A and IPO,  Corporate guidelines and Ethical values ; E.Commerce  and Personnel DATA international legal issues and regulation ; Protection of Personnal image and privacy.
  Raphaël Monnot (MBA 85D)
Vice President Digital Transformation

Raphael has experience in technology-led transformations and strong expertise in Project Management, Knowledge Management and Change Management, with PMI and PROSCI certifications. He is now a Principal with Microsoft, helping companies successfully drive their digital transformation by taking care of the ‘people side of change’. Raphael has worked in Europe and in the USA where he met his wife, who is a full-time career coach and happened to work with the INSEAD career services.
  Claude Perol (MBA 82)
Vice President Career

Claude Perol has an in depth experience of international pharma sector for more than 30 years. He worked mainly at Sanofi in different senior positions : Head of Established Products Franchise,  VP Central & Eastern Europe, VP Commercial Sanofi USA, Head of Business Excellence Pharma, Head of Generic Unit, Health strategy head at Elf Group, Leader of the Hepatitis B JV in Taiwan. From beginning 2017 he has retired from Sanofi and created its own consulting boutique specialized in Pharma sector. He has co-launched the mentoring project at the INSEAD Alumni Association France.
  Séverine de Wulf (MBA 03D)
Vice President Career Conferences

She is a consultant in Spencer Stuart’s Paris office and provides Leadership Advisory Services to clients across industries. She coordinates the Firm’s effort in France in helping organizations navigate a range of leadership and talent issues. Previously, Séverine spent six years with Egon Zehnder. Before her career in executive search and assessment, Séverine spent 10 years in investment banking with Goldman Sachs and later in private equity with Vestar Capital Partners and Candover. Belgian National, Séverine is a graduate of Solvay Business School in Brussels . She is also a certified coach. 
  Vincent Lapras (MBA 96J),
Invited – President IAF

After an MSC at Ecole Centrale de Paris, Vincent started his career in management consulting, before attending INSEAD. I then worked in the financial services industry in Europe and un the US in business development and international project management roles. Since 2015, Vincent has been focused on his second life: real estate investment. He is co-leading France NAA ‘Club INSEAD Pierre’ and has initiated a cycle of conferences on real estate, with renowned speakers of the industry.



INSEAD Alumni Association France Elects New President: Thomas Bittner (MBA’75)

Paris, Nov 23, 2017 – INSEAD Alumni Association France has elected Thomas Bittner (MBA’75) as its new president. The vote took place at the association’s Annual General Assembly held on Nov 22, 2017 at Deloitte HQ offices in Paris.
Thomas Bittner is elected for a 3-year term. He succeeds Jean-Marc Liduena (MBA’99J) who served as INSEAD Alumni Association’s President for two subsequent 3-year terms.   

Thomas Bittner (MBA 75) is a German national who holds a mechanical engineering degree in nuclear technics from the Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich.

He graduated from INSEAD in 1975 and joined Creusot Loire, the world’s leading steel supplier for the nuclear industry. During his time in the company, he held multiple operational responsibilities and became member of the Creusot Loire North Europe Executive Committee.

Thomas then joined McKinsey in the Paris office and specialised in industrial strategy design and strategy implementation projects. An important client of McKinsey, Polychrome, the number 1 offset plate producer, hired him to run its European operations. After the successful turnaround of the division, he was named CEO of the company based in New York. He was then headhunted back to Paris to become CEO of Antalis, a multi-billion € paper distributor in Europe with operations in Asia and South America.

He ended his industrial career as a member of a divisional board of Arcelor-Mittal, the world’s largest steel manufacturer. Since then he has been « giving back » by running the INSEAD Alumni Association in France for 6 years, supporting social entrepreneurs, teaching in executive education. He is also consulting in strategy implementation and running his olive oil and wine estate in Provence.

Congratulations Thomas Bittner for this election.

Thank you Jean-Marc Liduena and the Executive Committee for the efforts, commitment, and dedication of the past 6 years. They have propelled the INSEAD Alumni Association into a bright future.

> Thomas Bittner’s Program
> Annual General Assembly Report

Muriel Pénicaud (AMP’95Jul), nommée ministre du Travail

Multidiplômée (histoire, sciences de l’éducation, psychologie clinique), diplômée de l’INSEAD (AMP’95J), Muriel Pénicaud a un curriculum vitae particulièrement fourni : directrice générale des ressources humaines chez Danone, directrice générale adjointe du groupe Dassault,  administratrice d’Aéroports de Paris, membre du conseil d’administration de la SNCF, administratrice du groupe Orange…  Une expérience professionnelle qui n’est pas de moindres pour cette nouvelle ministre du travail. Elle est également passée au sien du ministère dont elle est désormais à la tête de 1985 à 1993, comme directrice régionale et nationale puis membre du cabinet du ministre. Elle a également conseillé Martine Aubry en matière de formation, lorsque celle-ci était ministre du Travail.
Source : Public Sénat du 17/05/2017

Arthur Sadoun, le nouveau roi de Publicis

Arthur Sadoun (MBA’98D) succède à Maurice Levy à la tête de Publicis. A 46 ans, il devient le 3ème CEO de Publics en 90 ans.
Source : Les Echos du 26/05/17

Record 46% Of INSEAD MBAs Go Into Consulting

INSEAD published its new MBA statistics, showcasing that some 46% of the graduating class last year accepted jobs in the consulting sector, up from 43% a year earlier and nearly 13 percentage points higher than just three years ago.
Source : Poets & Quants – US – 2 March 

MBA : le numéro un mondial se cache dans la forêt de Fontainebleau

La formation dispensée par l’Institut européen d’administration des affaires (INSEAD), créé en 1957, domine depuis deux ans le classement international du « Financial Times ».
Article paru dans LE MONDE du 15/03/2017