We are very proud to see that INSEAD motto “business as a force for good” is a flag carried high by our Alumni. You will fin below initiatives taken by our Alumni in response to the covdi-19 crisis. Contact us if you want your initiative to be listed
Jean-Marc Liduena MBA’99J organise avec lanuitduboncommun.com un événement de dons en ligne mardi 14 avril 2020 : #changeladonne.
Une heure de live-dons pour soutenir 6 associations en première-ligne contre le covid : Cluhouse France – La Fondation Carritas France – La Fondation des Hôpitaux de Paris – La Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale – L’Ordre de Malte – SOS Amitiés
Gilles Le Guennec EMBA’08D reached out to us as he and a group of Alumni initiated a fundraising campaign aimed at providing medical supplies to hospitals.
This initiative was started in China and has since been replicated by Alumni in Spain, Italy, and other countries around the world. This powerful demonstration of solidarity underlines the strength of the INSEAD Alumni network and their ability to take effective action.
Véronique Uzan, EMBA06 launched a Paris 15 « Citron Vert » in order to provide meals and hydrating products to nurse and doctor staff of Hospitals such as Pompidou, Necker, Saint Anne, etc.
She gathered 130 volunteers in a week cooking, a delivery and a communication team.
Stéphane Bellanger AMP’19 is launching an initiative to support INSEAD Alumni companies during this pandemic. We will immediately begin to offer pro bono consulting from now until September 30th, 2020, as a response to the mounting effects of the coronavirus pandemic for companies who have urgent or emergent questions or issues.
In these unprecedented times for citizens and for companies, we are doing all we can to step in and step up! We know that many of companies are experiencing overwhelming challenges, and we hope that we can support in navigating through them.
Our experienced, knowledgeable and connected team is deeply committed to making an impact and stewarding for companies, their boards and funding partners in any way we can. We can address questions on core business and finance, strategy, fundraising and funding sustainability, crisis management, board and governance, program and operational issues. »
Guillaume Loth Demay YMP’05 joins the effort of la Protection Civile de Paris Seine by creating a fundraising campaign aimed at financing the needs of their 1400 rescuers.
Claire Harbour MBA’92J offers every Thursday from now until the end of the lockdown is blocked off for pro bono coaching. This is for any alumni to use for one or two of their team who are most in need. It could also be for the alumnus/a him/herself. I will make 50 minute sessions available for this, and hope to serve any need where some support, some time, some opportunity to look at problems from a different angle might be useful. You just have to email me and explain whom you want me to coach, and give me one or two lines of background.
Offered by Claire Harbour MBA’92J. Every Monday afternoon at 1800 CET, we will meet as a group. The format is a reflection on something important all together at the beginning, and then a couple of coachings for the two members who have the most pressing or relevant things on their mind. And at the end, an opportunity to reflect all together on how that coaching has shifted perspective. Open to all alumnae.
Mathieu Balleron MBA’18J is the COO of CODAGE. The company heard the call from a nurse, Nadia B. on Twitter, asking for hand creams for hospitals. « Saturday 28th March, through our social networks, we offered to send our hand creams to French caregivers upon request. Thanks to our community, we have collected almost 40 requests. More than 2,500 hand creams have been sent throughout France. They have been delivered this week to hospitals, private clinics, retirement homes, private nurses & doctors. That was just for the first week, more to come! »