This club focuses on Alumni willing to takeover an existing business in order to become owner managers.
The club organizes two activities :
– General Information Events
The objective of these events is to provide Alumni with a good understanding of the essential steps required to take over a business. Each event focuses on a specific theme such as finding the target, negotiating with the owner, financing, etc. These events are opened to all Alumni.
– Active Takeover Owner Workshops
The objective of these workshops is to bring together small groups of Active Takeover Owners(Alumni actively working on taking over a business) so they can discuss the real life issues they are facing while acquiring their business. Due to the very nature of the discussions ; participation to these workshops is by invitation only.
Jean-Louis Ennesser (MBA 83J) [email protected]
Jacques Isnard (IEP’92Mar) [email protected]
Philippe Schwarz (Cedep 86) [email protected]