Alumni in the News

UK neurosurgeon Owase Jeelani (MBA’02D) named INSEADer of the month

Owase heads the Department of Neurosurgery at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH) in London (UK). In addition to his medical degrees and INSEAD MBA, he also holds a Master degree of Medical Law. Among his most widely recognized achievements is his role as lead neurosurgeon in the successful separation of the Sudanese conjoined twins Rital and Ritag in 2011. Earlier this year, Owase was portrayed in a Guardian article, admitting: “I never sleep well before a big case.”


Link to Guardian:

Oded Lieberman (INSEAD MBA’89D) sells NeuroDerm to Mitsubishi Tanabe for USD1.1 billion in cash

Since 2007, Oded has served as CEO of NeuroDerm (NASDAQ:NDRM), based in Rehovot (Israel). Neuroderm develops next-generation treatments for CNS disorders, with a focus on Parkinson’s disease. NeuroDerm’s lead product, ND0612, could gain FDA approval in 2019. Mitsubishi Tanabe’s offer was approved by NeuroDerm’s shareholders on September 12, 2017.



Frederic Chereau, INSEAD YMP’01Jun, raises USD45 million for gene therapy startup LogicBio

Fred joined LogicBio as CEO in April 2016 and previously held positions at companies including Shire, Pervasis Therapeutics and Genzyme. Based in Cambridge, MA (USA), LogicBio is working on new gene therapy / gene editing approaches to treat rare metabolic disorders in children. While the underlying “GeneRide” technology originally came out of Stanford University, LogicBio also has scientists in Tel Aviv, Israel.
