Category Archives: News
Switzerland, Sweden and UK Most Innovative Countries 2016
Innovation is essential for sustainable growth. Countries should maintain their R&D investments and cooperate internationally to protect their innovation momentum in the face of low-growth scenarios.
First women emirati receives the INSEAD Certificate in Corporate Governance
Hala Badri, Executive Vice President of Brand and Communications at du, paves the way as the first Emirati woman to complete the programme, thus forging a path for women in the UAE to play a significant role in the country’s economy.
No universal meaning for ‘digital’, says INSEAD study
No universal meaning for ‘digital’, says INSEAD study
The Edge Markets, Singapore, 21 April 2016
INSEAD chaired professor of corporate governance and academic director Ludo Van der Heyden said digital is changing business, organisations and the ways to compete.
Making digital work for you
Digital News Asia (DNA), Singapore, 27 April 2016
(Reprinted from INSEAD Knowledge)
By Liri Andersson & Professor Ludo Van der Heyden
Digital is a journey with no clear destination, no one size fits all
Be wary of ‘expert advice’ as it typically comes with expert bia
Women held back by assumptions
Women held back by assumptions
The National, UAE, 25 April 2016
(Reprinted from INSEAD Knowledge)
INSEAD Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Xiaowei Rose Luo says assumptions – often false assumptions – women have about themselves and what is required of them to become a leader, directly affects their aspirations and goals.
Integrating digital intelligence into brand strategy
Integrating digital intelligence into brand strategy
Education Post, Hong Kong, 3 May 2016
(Reprinted from INSEAD Knowledge)
INSEAD Assistant Professor of Marketing David Dubois shares that in the world of cyber revolution, the ability to integrate digital intelligence will give companies a sustainable competitive advantage in the decades ahead.