Tony Whiteman IDP-C who joined the IDN Board in late 2021, will be supporting our IDN members. Get to know him!
After growing up and being educated in New Zealand, I was given a one-way ticket to the UK to see the world. It was a fun journey experiencing London life, working in an advertising business and the obligatory ‘live/work’ in a pub. Sport has always been a big part of my life and it was rugby which took me to Luxembourg in 1993. I became an FX Dealer and met my wife during enjoyable years in Luxembourg. In 1997 we moved to London where I transitioned into the project management, consultancy field in the City operating independently. After completing an MBA, I embarked on a couple of roles in Interim Management for a corporate services provider and a community website for Physiotherapists. On the private investment side, I developed a small residential property portfolio and helped develop a wholesale insurance broker.
By 2004 our family had doubled (Oscar & Chloe), and we decided to relocate back to Luxembourg to enjoy the more sedate family life. After three years as Business Development Director for the corporate services provider in Luxembourg I was approached to act as an Independent Director for a number of Blackstone investment vehicles. The relationship with Blackstone has continued and I am currently involved with the Private Equity, Private Debt and
Alternative Asset Management areas as an Independent Director. Over the years I have been engaged as an Independent Director to provide governance for a number of international investment, corporate and family office groups (including Deutsche Bank, Whirlpool, Abbot, SurveyMonkey). In 2014 I completed the INSEAD International Directors Program and became an IDP-C.
I have continued to invest in private residential assets, engaged in personal private equity investment and providing seed capital for a small number of Luxembourg based startups.
The family has grown with Sophie & Hannah joining us. While the rugby stopped in 2009, I managed to continue competitive cricket representing and captaining Luxembourg till 2021. Golf is now the challenge, its way more difficult than I thought it would be so will keep me focused for many years
to come.
While a capitalist society is based on the financially fueled demand/supply functions there is still a real need for community volunteers. I have been involved with both the cricket club and federation committees, assisted the rugby club and have recently helped create the Australia, New Zealand Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg (ANZCCL). Also started mentoring potential Independent Directors via
the Luxembourg Institute of Directors.
With the family growing up and reducing the day-to-day need for Mum & Dad to be involved I was happy to consider being a candidate for the IDN Board. I look forward to learning the operations of the IDN Board and supporting the association in developing good governance around the globe via the INSEAD Directors Network.