How to become a member
Any alumnus/a of INSEAD who is also a paid-up member of an NAA, as well as any alumnus/a of any INSEAD Executive Education social impact programmes, may become a Member of INDEVOR by registering their interest through the Global Clubs section of the MyINSEAD portal.
If you are interested to be part of INSEAD’s renewed drive in the social impact space, just sign up for the INDEVOR Global Club email list by following these 3 simple steps:
- Go to your profile in MyINSEAD (make sure you upgrade to the new version).
- Under Email Subscription Preferences in the right column, under Global Alumni Clubs, click Subscribe to a list.
- From the drop-down choose Indevor Global Club, and click the green checkbox … and done!
Please feel free to email us with any questions / comments / suggestions!
Please also join our LinkedIN Group for more frequent activity announcements and updates!