New Executive Committee – 2023

The INSEAD Alumni Association in Lebanon elected a new executive committee for a three-year mandate, following a general assembly held in Beirut on December 16, 2022. The members of the newly elected committee are: Nicolas Chikhani (President), Coralie Zaccar (Vice-president), Ghassan Haddad (Treasurer), Andre Fadel (Secretary), Jad Masri (Accountant & Network relations).

New Executive Committee - 2023

Following the presentation of the annual results and achievements of the outgoing committee, the candidates presented their program, which included plans for developing the association’s network in Lebanon, strengthening intergenerational links between its members and contributing to the advancement of business practice in Lebanon.

The newly elected executive committee then concluded the general assembly by thanking the members of the outgoing committee: Anthony Boukather, Georges Abou Adal, Jihane Azar and Marc Karam, for their dedication and contribution towards the development of the association during their mandate.

Kindly click here to access the By-Laws of the Association.