INSEAD Libraries Blog
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It’s time to say goodbye
Dear Readers, This blog will be discontinued September 1, 2020. Please follow us on twitter @InseadRLHub ! All the best!
INSEAD Book: Management
INSEAD Book in the Spotlight: Management, 2nd edition The second EMEA edition of Richard L. Daft’s popular textbook, Management, has been fully updated to ensure that new European, Middle East and African content provides students with a practical approach to key...
INSEAD Book: Leading a Board
The INSEAD Research & Learning Hub is hosting a showcase on the following INSEAD book: "Leading a Board" by INSEAD Professor Stanislav Shekshnia and Veronika Zagieva, from 18th to 29th of November. Chairs’ Practices Across Europe Presents what board chairs...
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