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Yesterday, Almetric released their annual Altmetric Top 100, a list that highlights research from the past year that has garnered significant international online attention and discussion.

View the 2018 Altmetric Top 100

Many of this year’s most important issues feature in this year’s Top 100, from the shocking mortality rates in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria to the spread of misinformation online, from the environmental consequences of climate change to links between food and health outcomes.

The top 3 articles of 2018 are:

“Mortality in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria” (New England Journal of Medicine, July 2018), which was the most widely shared paper in the Altmetric Top 100’s six-year history.


“The spread of true and false news online” (Science, March 2018), which found that rumors spread much faster and further on Twitter than truth.


“Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016” (The Lancet, September 2018), which reveals that the only “safe” level of alcohol consumption is no alcohol at all.


Check out the 2018 Altmetric Top 100
Visit past Altmetric Top 100 lists