
Due to the recent developments around the Corona virus (COVID-19), the INSEAD Alumni Association NL has decided to postpone this event. Dear all, We hope you had a great start of 2020! We are looking forward to this new year filled with exciting activities. On Tuesday 24 March, ING (Amsterdam, Bijlmerdreef) is kindly hosting us […]

Invitation: Maurits Groen in online INSEAD Sustainability Club event Join our online event on Monday May 25th at 20:00 The COVID-19 pandemic has upended life as we know it. With some businesses struggling to survive and governments sinking beneath the new ocean of debt, what will happen to the idea of the responsible business and […]

                 ‘Determined to make a difference’ Applying computer vision and artificial intelligence to improve Health Care By Gerrit Baarda Invitation Special Interest Group Health Care & Life Sciences Thursday, June 11th 2020 ZiuZ, (Location Eurocept Pharmaceuticals ANKEVEEN (NH) 18.30 hrs – 21.00 hrs ZiuZ is a leading innovator in the development of high-grade computer vision […]

Invitation: Kasper Zwetsloot (felyx) and Taco Rijssemus (idtv) at online INSEAD alumni event COVID-19: how did business leaders respond when their industry changed overnight? Over the last few months all of us, governments, businesses and individuals faced a very different world than the one we were expecting, as COVID-19 swept the globe. In this webinar […]

Invitation: Sandra Pellegrom in online INSEAD Sustainability Club event Tuesday June 30, 2020 at 20:00 Sandra Pellegrom is the National SDG Coordinator. Sandra has worked for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs at several divisions and embassies. Her most recent position was at the Dutch Mission to the United Nations in New York. When she […]

Dear SIN-members, We gladly invite you to attend the virtual SIN Venture Pitch evening on Wednesday August 26, 2020, starting at 20.00hrs. The intent is to host this session as a “SIN-Members only” event with 4 interesting startups. The interior of your dreams has never been so close. With a Homespring furniture subscription you get […]

Invitation: Klaas van Egmond in online INSEAD Sustainability Club event on Monday August 31 at 20:00 Klaas van Egmond (1946) is emeritus Faculty Professor on Geosciences at Utrecht on sustainability and environmental issues. Earlier he has been Director Environment at RIVM, the National Institute for Health and Environment and later Director of the Netherlands Environmental […]