Dear INSEAD women, We hope you had a great start of the year. Time for another fun activity for the Women in our INSEAD network: Thursday April 4th we will host a dinner evening at Saskia’s Huiskamerrestaurant in Amsterdam! At 5pm we will start with welcoming drinks, followed by a 3-course dinner. Key activity is […]
‘Business as a Force for Good’ Alumni event on April 11, 2019 Last October INSEAD launched The Campaign for INSEAD: a Force for Good. Grounded in the school’s distinct values, vision and ventures, the Campaign strives to fortify INSEAD’s academic excellence, drive breakthrough innovation and transform communities and organisations on a global scale. Together with […]
What makes workers tick? The future of work and work arrangements. and AGM of the IAA-NL May 7, 2019 Kindly hosted by Eden McCallum The INSEAD Alumni Association Netherlands cordially invites you for an inspiring evening about what makes workers tick, followed by our AGM. Given the trend towards increasing flexibility in the world of […]
The Women Club of the INSEAD Alumni Association the Netherlands is welcoming you to a Women Only Random Dinner 2019 on Thursday May 16th 2019 (another Random Dinner open to all will be organized in June) Are you a woman and willing to network with fellow women from INSEAD ? You can participate as ‘host’ or ‘guest’ […]
Master the Art of Scaling & Board Membership of scale-ups – June 6, 2019 Large social challenges are as much large entrepreneurial opportunities. Many initiatives exist but only those enterprises that scale move the needle in terms of impact. The odds of scaling are low. From a board perspective what is required to propel the […]
Transition towards the world’s most sustainable harbour June 17, 2019 For the last century, the Port of Rotterdam has been the economic power house of the Netherlands. Yet, its industry is responsible for one sixth of total Dutch CO2 emissions. So Rotterdam is a good place to start, when moving towards a more sustainable economy […]
Het verhaal van Erik de Heus, CEO van SkinVision ‘De toekomst van digital health en patient empowerment’ Hoe SkinVision gebruikers tezamen wereldwijd al 27.000 huidkankers hebben gevonden Uitnodiging Special Interest Group Health Care & Life Sciences Woensdag 19 juni 2019 SkinVision te Amsterdam van 18.30 uur – 21.00 uur SkinVision is opgericht door Erik de […]
The Women’s Club of the INSEAD Alumni Association the Netherlands is welcoming you to an INSEAD Random Dinner on Thursday July 11th 2019 Are you an INSEAD alumnus / alumna and willing to network with fellow alumni from INSEAD? You can participate as ‘host’ or ‘guest‘. “Hosts” invite people over and set the theme (seated […]
Celebration Global INSEAD Day INSEAD’s 60th anniversary Thursday September 12, 2019 Dear INSEAD Alumni, In the 2019/2020 academic year, INSEAD will celebrate its 60th anniversary. Founded by Georges Doriot and a circle of young, bold pioneers, INSEAD brought business education using the case method to Europe. The school they established is to this day a diverse and […]
Invitation Special Interest Group Health Care & Life Sciences Thursday 19 September 2019 Antoni van Leeuwenhoek in Amsterdam, 18.30 – 21.00 hrs Oncological surgeon Michel Wouters and program manager care paths Martijn van Schaik ‘Quality in Antoni van Leeuwenhoek’ A multidisciplinary challenge Continuous improvement of the quality of care with the patient in mind […]