Events / Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

May 29, 2024
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Dear INSEAD Alumni,

As we navigate through an era marked by conflict, uncertainty, and division, the strength of our community becomes more vital than ever. We invite you to reconnect with your Dutch INSEAD family at this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 29th. An opportunity to stand together, share insights, and foster the spirit of unity that INSEAD has always embodied.

In these turbulent times, our collective knowledge, diverse experiences, and the bonds we share as INSEAD alumni are invaluable assets that can contribute to understanding and overcoming the challenges the world faces. We look forward to gathering as one community, to not only reminisce about our days at INSEAD and our events of 2023, but also to look forward towards creating a more united future. It will be a great moment to reconnect with fellow alumni, discuss the current activities of the National Alumni Association in the Netherlands, and share some bites and drinks!

During the AGM, we’ll also have a keynote speech, which will be delivered by Steven Koolen (MBA‘11J), Partner and Sector Lead Consumer Goods, Industrial Goods & Services, Energy at SparkOptimus and Matti van Engelen, Associate Partner and AI Lead at SparkOptimus.

Join us at the AGM by registering HERE.

Date: May 29th 2024

18h00 Walk-in drinks & bites
18h30 Keynote Steven Koolen and Matti van Engelen (SparkOptimus)
19h30 Annual General Meeting INSEAD Alumni Association The Netherlands
20h30 Drinks & bites
21h30 Closing

Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club
Dam 27, 1012 JS Amsterdam

Looking forward to seeing you at the AGM!

Kind regards,

Raymond van Eck, Arjan de Jong, Chantal Stoffelsma, Manish Kumar Singh, Jan-Jaap Atema, Jacqueline Liao, Kirsten Spahr van der Hoek, Vladimir Golubyatnikov, Odette Hooft Graafland

Board of the National Alumni Association in the Netherlands