Events / Development of Nuclear Fusion energy is accelerating

Development of Nuclear Fusion energy is accelerating

February 6, 2025
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Development of Nuclear Fusion energy is accelerating – five dilemmas to consider

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Face the dilemmas society needs to deal with as Nuclear Fusion technology becomes available for commercial use.   The Insead Alumni NL interest groups TMT, Energy and Sustainability invite you to join this highly interactive event on Thursday 6 February 2025, at 17.30 hrs, Rotterdam.


Fusion energy has long been seen as the holy grail in energy – an endless resource of clean and safe energy.  However, as the saying goes, it has always been 30 years away, and this will always be so.  But developments in Nuclear Fusion have been accelerating, in particular in the private sector.  By 2023 there were approximately 50 private initiatives with a worldwide private investment of around 7.1 billion dollar all together.  The majority expect to deliver significant breakthroughs in the coming years, and claim to be able to put electricity on the grid by the mid-2030’s.

Prof. Niek Lopes Cardozo, expert in this field, will provide an overview of these exciting worldwide developments. Klaas de Boer will share his experience as Chairman of the Board of one of these companies, General Fusion.

Imagine that 2-3 demonstrators provide electricity by 2035, it will still take decades to scale up this industry. Nevertheless, we believe the world already faces several dilemmas around the need for nuclear fusion, its geopolitical importance, investment choices, the supply chain, legislation, and non-proliferation.  We will ask you to vote on five dilemmas, and will discuss these with a panel of experts.

17.30 Arrival, drinks & bites
18.30 Welcome and Introduction
18.35 Presentations
19.15 Five dilemmas, votes by the audience and panel discussion
20.00 Drinks & bites
21.00 Closing

Register HERE

Speakers / panel members:

  • Niek Lopes Cardozo  – Prof. em. Eindhoven University of Technology – overview of worldwide developments
  • Klaas de Boer – Chairman of the Board, General Fusion (Canada) and MBA’93D
  • Arnoud van der Slot – Partner of the Energy practice at Roland Berger and Chairman of KRZV De Maas 

The magnificent location “Societeit aan de Maas”, Veerdam 1, Rotterdam

This event is kindly hosted by Roland Berger.

Again a fantastic opportunity to meet old and new INSEAD friends!
We welcome and look forward to meeting many of you during this session.

Best regards,

on behalf of Special Interest Groups
TMT (Technology, Media and Telecom) – Jeroen Zaalberg

Energy – Max ter Horst

Sustainability – Hans Reus