INSEAD Entrepreneurship Club
Improving Angel Investments, a workshop for angels and entrepreneurs
In the INSEAD community we have plenty of alumni dealing with start-ups and all the related challenges. These are both entrepreneurs executing their best ideas as well as investors trying to support the best ideas and their entrepreneurs. One of the main challenges in transforming the best ideas into effective businesses is around funding and the collaboration between investors and entrepreneurs.
On Wednesday March 4 we will organize a workshop (Amsterdam area) with both Train-the-Angel as well as Train-the-Start-Up elements. There are many common pitfalls that can be overcome.
18.00 – 18.30 welcome
18.30 – 20.00 workshop
20.00 – 21.00 drinks
In June we will plan a broader event around start-up funding. More information will be announced.
We hope to see many of you on March 4!
Please register HERE for this event, seats will be limited.
All the best,
INSEAD Entrepreneurship Club
Joris Pouw
John Staunton
Bastiaan de Wit