Dear INSEAD Alumni (living in the Netherlands),
As last year’s winners, we warmly invite you to participate in the annual INSEAD Alumni Golf Tournament on Monday, June 5th 2023 at the Noordwijkse Golf Club.
In the spirit of INSEAD we aim for a group of participants that is a bit more diversified, both in age and gender, than in the past editions. To achieve this, we initially reserve 10 of the 24 places for first time participants and/or recent alumni.
Date: Monday, June 5th, 2023
Noordwijkse Golf Club
Randweg 25
2204 AL Noordwijk
Welcome: 12:00h with a light lunch
Tee-off time: 12:40 -13:50h (8 flights of 3)
Drinks: From 17:00h
Dinner: From 18:30h
Costs: Oude 9 members play for €85. Greenfee for other players €100-150 (depending on number of introduces and to be confirmed after registration is completed).
Costs of lunch, drinks & dinner we share. We will send you a ‘Tikkie’ the day after
Max. handicap: 24 (as on your current NGF card)
Please register HERE and provide your name, email address, mobile number, handicap and home course. Generally, we will apply the first come, first serve principle. For first time participants and/or recent alumni we will also take diversity into consideration.
We look forward to a sunny and fun golf event at the Dutch coast!
With kind regards,
Peter Nientker (MBA’87D) & Daan Stolk (MBA’19J)