Events / Maria van der Heijden in online INSEAD Sustainability Club event

Maria van der Heijden in online INSEAD Sustainability Club event

November 3, 2021
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Invitation: Maria van der Heijden in online INSEAD Sustainability Club event

Please register here for an interactive discussion with break-outs.

Maria van der Heijden is the CEO of MVO Netherlands, an influential organization that teams up with 2000 companies towards a climate-neutral, circular, inclusive and fair economy. In this on-line session we will learn more about her views on the “New Economy” and explore how:

  • a new business roadmap is the quickest way to sustainability
  • matchmaking and collaboration accelerates sustainability
  • lobbying helps create future-proof business environments
  • Versnellingshuis (an MVO and VNO-NCW joint venture) helps (INSEAD) entrepreneurs make their businesses more sustainable
  • What INSEAD alumni can do to progress the cause of MVO Netherlands

We look forward to meeting many of you online.

The Dutch INSEAD Sustainability Club