Dear member of the Dutch INSEAD Alumni Association,
The board of the INSEAD Alumni Association The Netherlands cordially invites you to their first digital Annual General Meeting on Wednesday October 7, 2020 from 20:00-21.30h.
- Welcome
- Approval of Minutes AGM May 7, 2019
- Presentation activities and financials 2019
- Kascommissie & Discharge
- Proposal reduction of excess reserves and voting
- One-off reduction membership fees 2021
- Donation to INSEAD
- Looking forward 2020-2021
- Q&A
- Social drinks in digital breakout rooms
Join us by registering here (for those of you who have not yet registered)
Upon registration or upon your request, you will receive a copy of the minutes of the AGM of May 7, 2019, and the Board’s proposal for the reduction of excess reserves. For this proposal, a vote will be held according to the Association’s articles of association. Should you wish to vote, but cannot attend the AGM, please contact Odette Hooft Graafland for submitting your vote.
We look forward to meeting many of you online.
On behalf of the Board of the INSEAD Alumni Association The Netherlands
Sven Cobben (MBA’06J)
President IAA-NL