Random Dinners
Next edition on 11 May 2023 at 18:30hrs
Remember: You are what you network
The Random Dinner is the perfect place to network with other INSEAD alumni / alumnae in a relaxed environment.
You can participate and register as host or guest.
Hosts invite people over and set the theme (seated dinner, cocktail party).
Guests are assigned at random and bring along the food/drink suggested by their host.
Partners are welcome, but please specify it in the registration (spot not confirmed)
We will mix nationalities, graduation year, and experiences around the table.
Once registered, please consider it as a firm commitment.
Number of seats is limited.
Sign up now before 30 April
Best regards,
Céline Piolot (MBA 18J)
INSEAD Alumni Association of the Netherlands
Questions? [email protected]