Events / Wine Industry Trends with Wine Funding

Wine Industry Trends with Wine Funding

March 6, 2025
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

INSEAD Food & Agro Club kindly invites you to

Wine Industry Trends with Wine Funding (wine tasting included)

This event is kindly hosted by Nedstar in Amsterdam

6 March 2025

Curious to learn about the latest trends in the wine industry from experts and taste some hidden gem wines? What better way to start the new year?

The wine industry has faced several challenges in recent years, including declining wine consumption, climate change, and regulatory issues. In the US, there is an ongoing debate about whether moderate wine consumption has positive or negative health effects. Additionally, new players are emerging in the market, particularly in developing countries.

Maxim Debure (MBA’05D) CEO and Founder of Wine Funding is coming from France specifically for this event to update you on the current state of the wine industry and answer your questions.

Register HERE (limited seats available)

18.30 Welcome, small bites
19.00 Presentation and Q&A by Maxime Debure
20.00 Wine tasting
21:00 Closing

Herengracht 477
1017 BS Amsterdam

We look forward to seeing you on March 6 in Amsterdam!