Dear INSEAD Alumni,
We are very excited to repeat our traditional drinks for young alumni. It will be a nice opportunity to mingle and meet fellow INSEADers. We will also have a group of current students visiting the Netherlands.
We would like to especially welcome new alumni from the 19J class and other INSEAD exec program graduates, and all those who have arrived recently in the Netherlands.
First couple of drinks will be sponsored by the IAA-NL! We will stay for dinner and more drinks until late.
Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 6:30 PM
Café de Paris
Rokin 81 – 83, 1012 KL Amsterdam
Please register HERE so as to know how many people to expect. Members and non-members of the IAA-NL are welcome.
Best wishes,
Rashmi Machado (MBA’14J)
Katharina KOPF (Career Development Centre – INSEAD Europe Campus)
Gijs Schunselaar (MAP’09May – Membership Coordinator INSEAD Alumni Association the Netherlands)
Sven Cobben (MBA’06J – President INSEAD Alumni Association The Netherlands)