Leading Together NOVA SBE Conference – February 20

“Companies in the top-quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were 21% more likely to outperform their national industry median on EBIT margin and 27% on EP margin”

“In Portugal, a woman has a chance of becoming a CEO which is 15 times smaller than a man”

“Only 24% of employees believe their CEOs consider diversity one of their top-10 strategic priorities”

These are some of the key conclusions of the study “Achieving gender balance in leadership – why and how” presented by Maria João Ribeirinho, Partner of McKinsey & Company, at the Leading Together Conference last week.

The Leading Together Conference held on February 20 at Nova SBE was a success, with more than 200 people present and a unique opportunity to bring top executives and business leaders together to discuss the importance of gender-balanced leadership in the light of the latest research findings led by McKinsey & Company and INSEAD.

Sadia Khan (President, International Alumni Association) presented Sonae Capital with an award as the nº1 company on the Leading Together Index.

The conference and the studies have since been covered in various media platforms – Sic Notícias, Expresso, Jornal Económico, among other – and we hope the discussion does not stop here!

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