2022 Business As A Force For Good Awards – Meet The Judges Interview Series #2

Introducing Brad Fraser MAP’18 – Head of Prime Derivative Services Asia Pacific at Barclays. He is one of handful of experienced judges selecting the winners of our 2022 BAFG Awards. Find out his thoughts on the subject in our second “Meet The Judges” interview series. To read our first interview, click here.  

What were your key takeaways after graduating from INSEAD in relation to having a positive social impact on the community? My perspective of the wide impact businesses can make broadened. I was also able to consider new and innovative business models that can calibrate for impact, and the power of diversity as an enabler of that process.

What do you believe are the critical elements for a business to act as a force for good? Having a positive empowering place for people to work and a strategy that delivers impact to the community through product and service, and is carried out in a sustainable and ecological way.

What actions from companies have you seen which have been a force for good? Actions I’ve noticed are bottom of the pyramid business models that empower disadvantaged communities through training and skills development, but are still commercially viable. For example, The Social Space.

What are some specific actions employees should do to enable a positive social impact on our community ? Positive social impact starts with the individual. How we account for our individual choices and decisions, flows into our daily actions in the workplace and at home. Providing we are operating from a social impact perspective, we don’t all have to work for a social enterprise to have a social impact.

What are some examples in your profession/ company where you’ve experienced BAFG first-hand? I’ve worked in teams alongside social impact start ups and established companies, providing them with advise and support at various stages of their development.

What key BAFG principles would you like businesses in Singapore to embrace? Two major challenges we face today are climate change and increasing inequality. I believe businesses that address these issues within a Singapore context, can deliver real value and help shape our community positively.

What were the main reasons for accepting an invitation to be an IAA Singapore BAFG judge? I value the opportunity to be part of INSEAD’s efforts to empower and celebrate businesses that have been a force for good.

What motivated you to be an advocate for businesses to act as a force for good? We need to move beyond the singular model of business as a commercial entity and incorporate a broader view of the many ways business can impact a wide range of stakeholders while continuing to be a commercial success.

Anything else you would like to add? As alumni of a global business school, we have a real opportunity to take this knowledge combined with our experiences, and make a real contribution to the challenges being tackled both locally and internationally. I encourage everyone to step up to that opportunity.