
CBD Alumni Lunch – new venue

February 15, 2019
12:00 am - 12:00 am

CBD Alumni Lunch Friday 15 February, 12noon at Wine Connection in Capital Square Please join us for our regular INSEAD CBD Lunch! Catch up with alumni friends and meet new ones in and around the CBD at 12pm on 15 February at Wine Connection. Order with Waitrr (founded by an INSEAD alum) and your food will come to the table, and you’ll avoid the hassle of […]

Random Dinners Valentine’s Day Edition Saturday 16 February 7pm  at a “Random Alumni Home” Still wondering what are Random Dinners? Spend an enjoyable and convivial evening, getting to know new and like-minded Alumni over food and wine in a relaxed & small-group setting. A Random Dinner is a dinner party hosted by an INSEAD alum in his/her own home with Alumni guests […]

Decision Boot Camp with Balazs Fogoly Saturday 23 February   Register at 1.30pm for  2 – 7pm at INSEAD Campus INSEAD Alumni event. Have you ever made a bad decision? A really bad one? We all have. Some of us hired terrible employees, or teamed up with the wrong co-founder. Some of us chased a dream […]

INSEAD Directors Forum Tickets now on sale.

From February 25, 2019 to February 26, 2019

INSEAD Directors Forum  25 – 26 February at INSEAD INSEAD Corporate Governance Centre (ICGC) marks its thought leadership journey by hosting the Asia edition of the INSEAD Directors Forum (IDF) on 25-26 February on the Singapore campus.  Bringing together faculty experts, board members and top executives, the forum will address the challenges arising from the evolving regulatory and geopolitical shifts and provide a unique platform to share, network […]

South Beach Tower Alumni Lunch Wednesday 27 February 12.15 at Vatos Urban Tacos Please join us for the new years edition of our INSEAD South Beach Tower Alumni Lunch! Catch up with alumni friends and meet new ones in and around South Beach Tower, Suntec, and City Hall on Wednesday 27 February  at Vatos Urban Tacos,36 […]

The Global Cosmopolitan Mindset: Lessons from the New Global Leaders with Professor Linda Brimm Wednesday 27 February, 7pm at INSEAD Alumni are invited to an Evening with INSEAD Prof Linda Brimm discussing her new book – The Global Cosmopolitan Mindset: Lessons from the New Global Leaders. INSEAD Professor’s new Book explains the unique competencies and […]

RCLG Retail Week

From March 4, 2019 to March 6, 2019

INSEAD Alumni are cordially invited to listen, explore and debate about changing consumer behaviour and demographic/socioeconomic shifts that are shaping the future of retail.  Monday 4 March: Setting the scene with Forrester – the new mantras of retail: age of the consumer, digitalization, China, millenials, and more” By Xiaofeng Wang, Senior Analyst at Forrester Research. Tuesday 5 […]

Annual General Meeting & Gala Dinner Thursday 14 March 2019 at 7pm  MEMBERS – ONLY EVENT SUPER EARLY BIRD PRICE – SAVE $80! Offer Ends 31 January!   The AGM Gala Dinner is the flagship event of the year, a fun, elegant evening of great food, wine and engaging conversations that you don’t want to miss! Dean […]