INSEAD Directors Forum – Culture & Risk Challenges in 21st Century Boards – $250 Discount for NAA Members
Monday 26 February & Tuesday 27 February from 8.30am at INSEAD
Risk oversight is no longer a responsibility that the board can delegate to the management. 21st century Boards not only have to grapple with risk challenges related to the business environment they operate in but also in technology, culture, reputation and even diversity and more.
The focus of this Directors Forum will be on “Culture and Risk Challenges in 21st Century Boards” where we will look into the risks posed by cyber threats, corporate culture and board composition. What are the measures boards can implement to counteract the threats of cyberattack? What can boards do to cultivate the desired culture within the corporate setting and integrate culture in situation of merger and acquisition? With greater scrutiny on diversity in board composition, in particularly gender equity, what are the latest research evidence showing and how can board directors make a difference?
Led by the Faculty of the Corporate Governance Centre, Professors Ludo Van der Heyden, INSEAD Chaired Professor of Corporate Governance and the Academic Director if the Corporate Governance Centre, Erik van de Loo, Affiliate Professor of Organiational Behaviour and Zoe Kinias, Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Academic Director of the INSEAD Gender Initiative, the Forum provides theoretical and practical frameworks to directors who wish to have a positive and insightful approach to today’s business world.
- INSEAD NAA Members $500
- INSEAD Non-NAA Members $750 SIGN UP HERE