Singapore Institute of Directors (SID) – Masterclass for Directors
(MCD): Leading from the Chair – What it takes to be Effective
Tuesday 23 January 2018, 9am – 12.30pm at Marina Mandarin Hotel

will explore some key challenges chairs of boards or board committees face.
Drawing upon INSEAD research findings on the workings of board chairs in different countries, the session will discuss the specific strategies to address the challenges:
- The duality and actual ambivalence of the chair’s role as both group leader and facilitator and coach of group performance
- Tensions between task and result orientation and one more focused on supporting the dynamics of the group
- Inside versus outside focus of the board – Management of key stakeholders: principals or agents.
The session will look at the 3Es (engage, enable and encourage) leadership as a behaviour strategy to create a dynamic frame which ensures high performance of groups of senior professionals such as boards of directors, board committees, temporary executive teams and task forces. It will also address cultural differences at board level as well as cover specifics of effective board chairs in the Singapore context.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Provide an overview of the role of the chair of the board and board committees in different governance structures and cultures:
1. Highlight the specific challenges faced by board chairs and other leaders of professional groups.
2. Discuss behavioural strategies to deal effectively with those challenges and apply them to specific situations faced by participants.
3. Identify factors that make chairs effective in today’s contemporary business world and in Singapore specifically.
Click here for Full Course Outline. As member of the Association you benefit from SGD180+ discount on this masterclass!! Please contact us for promocode.
Here are the instructions for online registration.
- NAA Members Price: SGD 481.50
- Non-NAA Members Price: SGD 663.40
Kindly follow the steps below to register online :
1. Click on this LINK to register.
2. Account set-up :
(a) If you do not have an account with SID, do a one-time account set up (click on “Create a new account” shown at the bottom of page).
(b) If you have an existing SID account, enter your username, password and “sign in to register”.