Women in Leadership
The Survival Kit of Business Women in Asia
Thursday 16 June, 12pm – 2pm at Oso Restaurant
How do women manage cross-cultural teams in Asia? What are the tips and advice from Western and Asian senior executives who are already covering at least 2 countries and hold multi-local roles in Asia? 50 female senior managers willingly shared their lessons learnt which are summed up in a survey commissioned by Alumni of Sciences Po, France’s top research university.

Elodie Asselin
The study presents their experiences in six indispensable lessons any leader would have dreamed to have had before starting a new role in the region. The study will be presented by its author, Elodie Asselin, a facilitator and HR consultant based in Singapore. She helps individuals as well as companies navigate transitions and achieve effective transformations. Elodie has 20 year work experience in the corporate world mainly as a change management and strategy consultant, including several years spent in Hong-Kong.
This women’s lunch will be held at Oso Ristorante at Bukit Pasoh.
The lunch will host 15 participants maximum so reserve fast here.
INSEAD Alumnae Women NAA Members: $45
For 3 Course Lunch, tea and coffee.