Financial Times
UK – 14 December
The best thing I read all year — 2017
Business school professors and FT writers share the books and articles that changed their outlook at work. Professor Maria Guadalupe, INSEAD Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science, shares one of her best reads — the autobiography of Laurence Debray (available in French) called “Fille de Révolutionnaires” (Daughter of Revolutionaries).
USA – 13 December
The Best MBA Programs In Europe? The Ranking Of MBA Rankings 2017
INSEAD ranks #1 in the Fortuna Ranking of MBA Rankings 2017 for European Business Schools after an impressive year that saw the school maintain its place at the top of the Financial Times MBA ranking and being ranked #1 in Bloomberg Businessweek’s international MBA ranking. Fortuna Ranking of MBA Rankings is based on aggregating the results of all four global rankings of European schools. View Fortuna’s ranking here.