Who you need for your digital journey
Reprinted from INSEAD Knowledge
According to Charles Galunic, INSEAD Professor of Organisational Behaviour, there are many different skillsets necessary for an organisation’s digital journey. He shares his research findings in this area and a 10-point framework for the digital journey. Forbes India  – 6 September

The Overcommitted Organisation
Over the past 15 years, INSEAD Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Mark Mortensen has studied collaboration in hundreds of teams, in settings like professional services, oil and gas, high tech or consumer goods. By carefully observing people during various stages of project-driven work, they have learned about multiteaming and shows why it is so prevalent in today’s economy. Harvard Business Review US – September/ October issue

Science Says Travel Makes You Smarter
William W. Maddux, INSEAD Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour, led a 2009 study on a group of undergraduate students using the remote associates test (RAT), a classic measure of individual creativity. It was discovered that those students who were primed with thoughts of living abroad solved more than 50% more problems than those who were not.  Forbes US – 5 September
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