Earlier this week, the INSEAD National Alumni Association of Singapore (NAA SGP) released “The Corporate Governance Journey for Alumni Associations – Corporate Governance Handbook 2019”
In this handbook, NAA SGP approaches the NAA corporate governance journey from the point of view of different stages of growth. These are based on the different needs and challenges that NAA SGP faced throughout the years—starting up, growing, and maturing. The handbook is a helpful and useful tool for other NAA’s.
Where did the idea of this handbook start? Says Cintia Tavella MBA’07D, President of INSEAD NAA of Singapore and author of this handbook:
“As the INSEAD National Alumni Association (NAA) of Singapore grew – with many new members attracted to the ‘red dot’ city of Singapore coming in at rates of over 10% per year – our Executive Committee also required growth, expansion and sustainability due to the transient nature of this country’s population. I have been on the Executive Committee of the NAA of Singapore for over four years and am now its President. In this short period of time I have seen many volunteers come and go. I have also experienced the committee’s struggle with not having enough team members of resources. One of my key focus areas since becoming President/ President of the NAA of Singapore has been ensuring that there are enough volunteers to deepen community engagement and that we have a good transition plan in place in case a volunteer leaves. This determination led to the creation of this handbook – I wanted to make our Association the case study, whose best practices can help other Associations succeed in their corporate governance journey.”