Our Team

If you would like to get involved with the INSEAD National Alumni Association of Singapore, contact the Office Bearers, a member of the Executive Committee, or our Executive Director.

Office Bearers

Jaz Athenia Chua TIEMBA’16Jan
Juliet Kasko MCCC’19Feb-S
Vice President
ChenSiew LIM MBA’22J
Hui Ping Low MBA’13D

Executive Committee

Eng Hwa TAN TIEMBA’16Jan
Professors & Companies Event, Business As A Force for Good Lead
Vandana AHUJA EMC’19Dec-S
Lifelong Learning & Career Development
Kevin Boezennec MAP’20Feb
Clubs & Interest Groups Lead
Noriko Hanada MBA’10D
Olivier van Grembergen EMBA’08Dec
Alexis Lhoyer MBA’13D
Marketing and Communications
Jon Chee EMBA’19Dec
Partnerships – Elect

Honorary Auditors

Thomas Friis-Hansen MBA’99J

Samantha Wei Xu EMBA’19Dec

Advisory Team

Ronald Ling MBA’92D

Nigel Yeung MBA’92D, IEP F/S’03Jul

Karen Fawcett MBA’88D, IDP-C’20Jun

Alexandra de Mello MBA’94D, IDP-C’17Feb

Fabrice Desmarescaux MBA’92J

James Copinger-Symes MBA’02D

Executive Director

Shwetha Ramesh
Executive Director

The INSEAD Club of Singapore
1 Ayer Rajah Avenue
Singapore 138676
UEN : S84SS0015L
[email protected]
