AGM Agenda & Proposed changes to NAA Constitution

Agenda for the AGM to be held 29 March

Notice is hereby given that we will consider the following agenda items at the AGM:

1. Approval of Minutes from 2015-2016 AGM (Avalyn Lim, Secretary)
2. President’s Address & Report (Alexandra De Mello, Outgoing President)
3. The Annual and Financial reports for FYE 31 December 2016 (Abel van Staveren, Treasurer)
4. The Election of President 2017-2019 (Chaired by Abel van Staveren, Treasurer; Nominations Committee) *More information below
5. Re-election of Exco Office Bearers: Abel van Staveren, Treasurer and Avalyn Lim, Secretary
6. Election/Re-election of Exco members.
7. Constitutional Revisions (Chaired by Avalyn Lim, Secretary) **More information below

*Presidential Election

An open call for nominations for the post of President of the Club was made to the membership in September 2016, and the nomination proceedings were overseen by a committee of three:
Abel van Staveren, EMBA ’08, Treasurer
Christophe Inglin, MBA ’93J, Past Exco
Alexandra De Mello, MBA ’94D, Outgoing PresidentAfter receiving, reviewing your nominations and conducting several rounds of interviews, we are pleased to announce that Cintia Tavella (MBA ’07D) was unanimously voted, and that she has accepted, to stand for election as President of the INSEAD Alumni Association Singapore.


The EXCO of the NAA Singapore has drafted a new Constitution. The proposed changes will be voted on at the upcoming AGM on 29 March.

New Draft Constitution to be adopted at 29 March AGM


If you have comments or queries please contact us.

If you cannot attend the AGM please leave a proxy here.

If you would like to attend please sign up here.

**Constitution Revision
In 2015, the Exco of the INSEAD Alumni Association Singapore reviewed the Objectives of the Club to determine if the current objectives in the Constitution remained relevant to our fast growing community. It was proposed at that meeting to review and redraft the INSEAD Alumni Association Constitution for the following reasons:
  • Statutory compliance. The Constitution needs to be revised in order to meet the current regulatory guidelines under the Registry of Societies and the Societies Act (Cap. 311), as the current Constitution was drafted in the 1980s and there have been several changes to the guidelines for Constitutions in recent years.
  • Relevance to the alumni community.
    The current document was prepared when there was no INSEAD campus, and only a small number of alumni residing in Singapore. The needs of the community have outgrown the Constitution’s Objectives which has been redrafted for consideration; and certain Articles, e.g. associate membership is no longer necessary, given the large pool of general members presently living and working in Singapore.
  • Greater clarity and safeguards.
    We have redrafted the document to include more clarity around certain clauses, e.g. specifying the maximum terms for Exco office bearers.
  • Inclusion of Bye-Laws. To enable the Exco to include, amend and/or remove clauses without requiring a formal revision of the Constitution in its entirety. Changes made to the Bye-Laws by the Exco will be presented to members at the AGM immediately following the date of the change.