Theatre Gala event opportunity with charity Sing’theatre.
Sing’theatre a registered charity has created an extensive program to bring music into Singapore’s public hospitals (Singapore General Hospital, National Cancer Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, National University Hospital). It’s goal is to create a better world with theatre and music.
Here is a video to illustrate their work
As those programs are free for the hospitals and patients they need to raise funds to cover the artists costs.
Sing’theater is organising a fund raising gala night of the show SOUVENIR, a comedy starring Hossan Leong and Leigh McDonald.
The event will take place on Thursday 20 September at the Home of SRT on Robertson Quay.
If you or your company makes a donation, you will receive complimentary tickets to this private Gala performance and enjoy the show with Champagne and refreshments with the cast and crew.
As Sing’theatre is an Institution of public character, all donations will be eligible for 250% tax deduction and the National Arts Council, via the « Cultural Matching Fund » will double the donation amount the following year.
Sing’theatre needs to raise $40,000. They very much hope that several companies and generous private individuals will invite ten guests each.
Please find the necessary information in the attached presentation leaflet. For more information please contact
INSEAD Alumna Alexandra De Mello Chair of the Board of Sing’theatre
Performing for a Better Society