Geneva’s first event of the year, here). His 30 minute talk delivers many surprising insights about the fierce global competition to innovate and how talent is the most important factor, not least of all, he describes what makes Switzerland’s top ranking traits hard to imitate. A panel discussion followed Lanvin’s presentation, moderated by François Schaller (editor-in-chief of L’Agefi). See the article about the event in L’Agefi (pdf)
ore than 80 attendees on hand to hear five keynote speakers, including Bruno Lanvin, INSEAD, along with Xavier Comtesse, Avenir Suisse, Joël Claret, McKinsey & Co, and Fathi Derder, Member of Swiss National Council. Lanvin is passionate about academic research and its potential to make positive change and inspire action. He uses indices because “numbers have less baggage than words” (download his presentationGeneva Chapter volunteer, Ludovic Choppin, organized the event and edited the high quality video presented for your enjoyment here.