Our global economic system is broken. In the new book, Stakeholder Capitalism: Making the case for a global economy that works for Progress, People, and Planet, Prof Klaus Schwab (Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum) and Peter Vanham (Head of Communications for Chairman Schwab at WEF), argue convincingly that if we don’t start with recognising the true shape of our problems, our current system will continue to fail us. Schwab and Vanham look for what they consider to be the real causes of our systems’ shortcomings, and offer solutions based on best practices from around the world.
CTOs can be like unicorns – hard to come across. Founders often don’t realise what to look for and how the CTO role and responsibilities evolve over time. Join our experienced panel who will demystify ‘recruiting the perfect CTO to suit the stage of your business’.
Whether retailers are thriving or just surviving there is no doubt that navigating the ongoing retail storm is demanding. The battering received from changing consumer behaviour and economic headwinds has seen many retailers, large and small, fall by the wayside. Strangely enough, working out a strategy to reinvent your business in such conditions is arguably the easiest part – actually getting it to happen in the real world is a challenge that is testing the best leaders and the most competent teams to the limit.
Kristin Skogen Lund (MBA 92J) will provide an insight into how Schibsted transitioned from a traditional media company to a family of digital brands. Schibsted is the owner of some of the Nordic’s most well-known and loved brands and services, and has more than 5000 employees across the region and in Europe. Kristin will also share her reflections on leadership and personal development, including what they didn’t teach her at INSEAD. Finally, Kristin will share her interpretation of Scandinavian leadership philosophy and question whether these approaches could be better suited to face tomorrow’s business and societal challenges.
Tourism and its desirability is a challenge posed to countries the world over and Scotland is no exception. In 2019, tourism brought £11 billion to the Scottish economy, against a backdrop of increasing resentment amongst local residents in some rural and island communities as well as the main cities. As the industry tries to look beyond Covid, and the Scottish Government and local councils try to balance the demand for tourism with the needs of the residents, our four speakers give their perspectives on the industry and will take questions. There will be an opportunity to network afterwards.
Have ever wondered as you go back to your home how come we have people sleeping in doorways nowadays?
Join Françoise Call and speakers from Centrepoint and St Mungo’s to hear more about the causes of homelessness in the UK and what is being done to tackle it.
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought home the interweaving of our professional lives with both physical and mental health considerations. We have been operating in a fast changing environment dominated by considerations for people’s physical and mental health.
Join colleagues in Private Equity and Venture Capital for a virtual Summer Spritz. Until we can all meet in person again, let’s catch up and reconnect or simply share a glass of something chilled with fellow alumni.
Much has been said about the role of decentralised power and demand side response in changing the energy landscape. A recent report by the Centre for Research in Energy Demand Solutions highlighted the importance of demand side solutions in the journey towards net zero. One only has to look at the proliferation of domestic solar panels and consumer battery systems in the UK in the last few years to see examples of the way our energy system is changing. In the US, reports following the power outages in Texas at the beginning of the year have confirmed the growing popularity of solutions such as the Tesla Powerwall.
2020 accelerated digital transformation of retail and changed consumer habits for good. This has impacted the ways in which we buy and consume groceries online and offline. As lockdown lifts, business will have to reset and transform operations to win in a post-Covid world.
Stakeholders in grocery and technology will discuss how the pandemic has shaped their strategies and accelerated the adoption of new technologies.