Career Resources

Alumni have access to a wealth of online development resources, job postings and professional career coaching through the INSEAD Career Development Centre. Whether you are looking to develop a career roadmap, sustain a high flying career or become a non-executive director, there are tools, videos and tailored services to support you.


Check out INSEAD Offers:

Job Boards: Explore the INSEAD iLink Job Board to find and post jobs. Share your job openings with the INSEAD global community by filling out a quick form.

Resume Database: Keep your CV up-to-date and visible to employers on Career Globe through MyINSEAD.

Corporate Recruiters: Access a diverse global talent pool directly through our corporate recruiters’ initiatives.

Lifelong Learning: Lifelong Learning curates a suite of impactful online and in-person learning experiences like digital interventions, short programmes, platforms and events designed to raise your awareness about the latest research and thinking, broaden your skills, inform your decision-making and advance your career.

Don’t forget to explore the career website for alumni for more resources and valuable information.


See illustrative materials below:

Career tools and services available to INSEAD alumni

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