To remain at the forefront of business education, INSEAD is establishing a new physical presence in North America – a flexible, multipurpose facility in San Francisco, a hub for innovation. Please join us on October 3rd to learn about it and discuss with Isabelle Finger to discover how to best leverage the new San Francisco Hub facility. Isabelle will also have a chat with Alan MacIntosh, Partner and Co-founder of Real Ventures, about the future of innovation and technology.
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- Presentation of the Hub by Isabelle Finger, newly appointed Director of the INSEAD San Francisco Hub
- Why a new strategic Presence in North America?
- What does the Hub look like?
- How to best leverage the Hub from a Canadian perspective?
- Fireside chat with Alan MacIntosh, Partner and Co-founder of Real Ventures
- Why did you get involved with the hub and what are your expectations?
- How do you see the evolution of innovation and technology? Could there be other Silicon Valley’s emerging in the future?
- What are the major differences in innovation and technologies between regions?