Oct 27 Fireside Chat with Bill Coen, Bank of International Settlements

We are delighted to host a fireside chat with Bill Coen, long-time Basel Committee member, and its recently appointed Secretary General. The Basel Committee is the group of international central bankers and banking supervisors with global banking oversight, and responsible for setting global banking standards. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is the banker to international monetary authorities, central banks, and financial institutions for deposits, lending, and investment. Register here

Key Facts

When: Monday, October 27, 2014

Where: Hotel Trois Rois, Blumenrain 8, 4001 Basel

Tickets: CHF 60 for INSEAD NAA members / CHF 70 for INSEAD Alumni that are Non-Members and Guests

[important]Max seating: 20 participants[/important]

Register on http://de.amiando.com/BLCOEN.html