- Our contact: [email protected]
- MyINSEAD profile (membership status, address and contacts update, mailing preferences)
- INSEAD Directory (alumni search).
- Career Development
- INSEAD Lifelong Learning
- ILink (mentoring)
- NAA USA blog
I’m really missing out because I’m not yet/no longer a member! How can I (re)join?
Click here to rejoin (INSEAD SSO login required) and here to read all about the membership benefits of the National Alumni Association USA
How can I access My.INSEAD?
Use your school SSO which is [email protected]. Click here to reset or change your password. Still not working? Reach out to INSEAD's 24/7 service desk (include screenshot of IT issue faced) for technical support.
I moved countries and am not receiving mailers from the local National Alumni Association. How come?
Ensure your My.INSEAD profile is updated and your preferred address/location accurately reflects your new location. You’ll automatically start receiving their mailers once your address is updated.