Phase 2



Project Green for Impact Brazil’s second and last phase of contribution, uses IAAB’s “Force for Good” online platform for donations. Launched last year in partnership with Incentiv, a taxtech startup that connects the tax incentive ecosystem with NGOs and donors, provides more convenience, engagement and transparency. 

Within the same INSEAD principles and values of the first phase, the second phase prioritized alumni-led NGOs and tax incentivized projects. All three initiatives also bring relevant national coverage and diverse objectives for impact.



1.Plan International Covid-19 Response, has its plan based in 4 pillars. The selected 4th pillar promotes girls from all the country to become leaders in their community, heading the combat against the Covid-19, using a portal, as a safe environment for information sharing, among other activities. This initiative is not tax incentivized. The institution was founded 83 years ago, is present in 75 countries and acts to promote teenagers’ and children’s rights and equality for girls. 

  • Know more about the Covid-19 campaign, here
  • Check the video here!

Led by Cynthia Betti, INSEAD Alumn PGA’14 and CEO of Plan International Brazil.



2.#VencendoJuntos is an initiative led by Flavio Canto’s Instituto Reação together with athletes such as Gabriel Medina, Bernardinho, Guga Kuerten, Diego Ribas, Lars Grael, Daiane dos Santos, Hortencia and Minotauro. Each athlete will help through their own organizations and/or network. The objective during this crisis is to assist 33k families across the country for 3 months with basic-needs grocery packages.This initiative is not tax incentivized.

  • Know more about the Covid-19 campaign, here
  • Check the video here!


Led by Flavio Canto, INSEAD Alumni PGA’18 and founder of Instituto Reação.







3.IOS: Founded in 1998, IOS (Instituto da Oportunidade Social) operates nationally providing on-site training in technology and management for low-income teenagers. With the Covid-19 classes had to be moved online. Therefore, IOS was pushed to invest in the qualification of its instructors for the new distance learning environment.The target is to conclude the training of at least 40 instructors in the next 12 months. Donations to this project are tax-deductible for individuals and corporations.

  • Know more about the Covid-19 campaign, here
  • Check the video here!


Campaign Closure

We ended the second and final phase of our Green For Impact Brazil campaign and we would like to share the results with you.
Unfortunately, we did not repeat the success of the first phase. We just hit, and exceeded, the goal for the IOS project, Instituto da Oportunidade Social, through a significant donation from our extended community, activated directly by our group of volunteers and facilitated by the benefit of the IR deduction.
The projects led by our fellow alumni, Cynthia Betti with Plan International Brasil and Flávio Canto with #VencendoJuntos were below their target. Thus, we leave here the invitation, for those who still want to contribute, to access the INCENTIV platform that will continue to collect regardless of our campaign. After all, they are beautiful projects, which have the credibility of the leadership of our colleagues.

The amounts include the complementary donation from our Association of R $ 8,180, fulfilling the announced commitment to match 10% of the amount collected. Thus, the final collection result was:

Project Amount Collected Reach over goal
Plan International Covid-19 Response R$12.428 24,5%
#VencendoJuntos R$13.808 27.5%
IOS R$ 63.752 127,5%
TOTAL R$89.988 60%



Our thanks to institutional supporters:


We leave here our warm thanks to the donors of Phase 2:

Top Donors 

Rodrigo Salles
Mauricio Reis
Mauricio Russomano
Wilson Ivo

Nossos doadores # Causas apoiadas
Andre Guidolin 3
André Oliveira da Paz 1
Bruna de Paula Pinto 1
Carla Teixeira Belitardo 2
Daniel Yamada 1
Débora Nazareth 1
Felipe Sakurai 1
Guilherme Archas Marques 1
Guilherme Gazzoni 2
Julia Nazareth Ferreira 2
Laura Macedo 1
Lígia Azevedo 1
Lucas Corrêa 1
Lucas Murata 3
Marcelo Tavares 1
Marina de Melo Sa Roriz 1
Mauro Basile dos Santos Mello 3
Nicole Harari 1
Nivancir Naville 1
Nuno Gomes 2
Patrícia Barbosa 1
Pedro Mendes de Paula 3
Pedro-Otavio Mendes 1
Rafael Breviglieri 1
Rafael Foresto Machado 1
Reinaldo Ribas Junior 1
Roberto Cangellar Cossi Junior 3
Samuel Yuen 1
Sandro Gabrielli da Silva 2
Suzana S Mendes 1
Thais Mello 1
Tom Silber Bergstein 1
Valter Roldao 1
William De Almeida 1
Bernardo Avila Bonkoski 1
Paula Gomez 1
Rasso von Reininghaus 2
Doadores Anônimos 4