Mamadou Balde

What and when did you study at INSEAD?  

I completed my EMBA program at INSEAD in January 2023. I had an opportunity to study at all four INSEAD campuses, including San Francisco and it was an exhilarating and challenging experience for me.

What is your ongoing engagement with the National ALumni Association?

In May 2023 I took the role of the Director QLD Liaison of INSEAD National Alumni Association, Australia and NZ.

What inspired your decision to volunteer for INSEAD NAA?  

Even before enrolling in the EMBA program at INSEAD, I was drawn to its huge alumni network. Recognizing the invaluable opportunities it presents for ongoing education and professional networking, I made the choice to actively engage with the INSEAD alumni community upon settling in Brisbane. I began by networking and participating in INSEAD social events. Later, when Christophe Kowalczyk was elected as the President of INSEAD NAA, Australia and NZ, I volunteered for the role of Director QLD Liaison. My initial inspiration was to make the alumni community more dynamic and vibrant, and l was lucky to have great momentum for this last year.

How do you see the aims of INSEAD NAA in Queensland in 2-3 year perspective? 

Looking ahead over the next 2-3 years, INSEAD NAA in Queensland will focus on fostering a vibrant and engaged community while further solidifying INSEAD’s presence and reputation within the local business landscape.

Firstly, the plan is to enhance participation of alumni in our network activities by broadening our outreach and creating more inclusive events. We had a great experience of organizing “The kids’ club” social open-air even last year and we plan to continue doing that.

Another part of the plan is to bring in more educational and informative events, like book club meetings, career events, and business discussions to provide valuable learning opportunities and cater to the varied interests of our community.

Furthermore, our focus will be on promoting INSEAD as a leading business school in Queensland. We will actively support INSEAD MBA recruitment initiatives and executive programs, showcasing the value of an INSEAD education.

Lastly, we are committed to strengthening ties with other top business schools in the region through joint events and networking opportunities, creating synergies and expanding our reach within the broader business community.

Through all these initiatives, we aim to create a thriving ecosystem that supports the personal and professional growth of our members while advancing the reputation and impact of INSEAD in Queensland.