INSEAD releases gender progress index on international women’s day
CPI Financial UAE – 8 March
INSEAD releases gender progress index on international women’s day
CPI Financial UAE – 8 March
Agenda for the AGM to be held 29 March
Notice is hereby given that we will consider the following agenda items at the AGM:
1. Approval of Minutes from 2015-2016 AGM (Avalyn Lim, Secretary)
2. President’s Address & Report (Alexandra De Mello, Outgoing President)
3. The Annual and Financial reports for FYE 31 December 2016 (Abel van Staveren, Treasurer)
4. The Election of President 2017-2019 (Chaired by Abel van Staveren, Treasurer; Nominations Committee) *More information below
5. Re-election of Exco Office Bearers: Abel van Staveren, Treasurer and Avalyn Lim, Secretary
6. Election/Re-election of Exco members.
7. Constitutional Revisions (Chaired by Avalyn Lim, Secretary) **More information below
*Presidential Election
The EXCO of the NAA Singapore has drafted a new Constitution. The proposed changes will be voted on at the upcoming AGM on 29 March.
New Draft Constitution to be adopted at 29 March AGM
If you have comments or queries please contact us.
If you cannot attend the AGM please leave a proxy here.
If you would like to attend please sign up here.
If you are an NAA Member and would like to access the 17J MBA Clubs CV Ebook. Contact us here and we will give you the password to log in.
Retail, Consumer and Luxury Goods Club
INDEVOR – INSEAD Organization for Social Impact | Middle East & North Africa Club | Tech Media Telecom Club |
China’s New World Order
Hellmut Schütte, INSEAD Emeritus Professor of International Management, comments on China’s vision and ambition as stipulated by President Xi. Can China be relied upon to lead, dictate and defend the global liberal system and the new international world order?Channel NewsAsia Singapore – 9 March
What if Trump and Hillary had swapped genders?
INSEAD Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science Maria Guadalupe wanted to know what would happen if she restaged the US presidential debates and switched the genders. A woman would recite Trump’s words line for line, and a man would do the same and play Hillary. The ethnodrama ‘Her Opponent’ yielded some very interesting results. KFI AM 640 Radio USA – 9 March
韩国陷多事之秋 (South Korea’s Troubles)
Antonio Fatas, INSEAD Professor of Economics, comments on the role of chaebols (large family-owned business conglomerates) in Korea, and its significance to the domestic economy. Mediacorp Channel 8 Singapore – 9 March
Single-sex networks under a spotlight
Lily Fang, INSEAD Associate Professor of Finance, published a study indicating that men’s connections with other men are more helpful to their careers than women’s connections with women. She explained that the discrepancy could arise because men tend to occupy more senior roles. Financial Times UK – 8 March
The future world order
(Reprinted from INSEAD Knowledge)
According to INSEAD Affiliate Professor of Strategy and International Business Michael Witt, with globalisation on the ropes and a hegemon in decline, prevalent political science theories suggest a conflictual future. Education Post Hong Kong – 7 March
Digital is having a broad impact on organisations: Professor Peter Zemsky
Professor Peter Zemsky, Dean of Executive Education and Deputy Dean of INSEAD, signed a MoU with the Times Centre for Learning Ltd to launch executive education programmes in India. He commented:’ As more and more industries face digital disruption, traditional organisations need to be proactive in helping their employees embrace the change’. The Economic Times India – 7 March
Stay Ahead
INSEAD Professor of Economics, Antonio Fatas, comments on the business sentiment of companies and economic development in Asia. He also elaborates on Europe’s outlook relating to recent political developments. Channel NewsAsia Singapore – 4 March